Mutant Mall Mania

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Kurt, Jubilee, Jean, Scott, and I went up the escalator of the mall.

We started walking off the escalator and continued walking across.

It'll be cool if we had a badass slow motion montage.

Kurt looked around in amazement until his eyes caught the electronics store where the televisions showed the classic aerobics women teaching their exercises. Kurt was mesmerized and started walking towards the televisions.

Seriously? Are all guys like this?

I grabbed Kurt's tail and gave it a tug. I gently pulled Kurt back, causing him to look at me.

I shook my head.

Kurt looked down as he cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

I looked at Jubilee and we both hid our chuckles.

"So, what do you think of the mall, Kurt?" I asked turning back to him.

"This place is like a temple." Kurt answered in amazement. "I've never seen anything more beautiful."

A group of kids looked at us. A guy nodded at Kurt with a smile.

Kurt looked at him in confusion.

"They don't fear us." Kurt realized.

"The world is changing, my friend." I said with a smile. "Thankfully for the better."

Hopefully it stays what way.

Kurt smiled back. I looked at the outfit I gave him. "I told you that outfit would look good on you." I addressed to Kurt, quickly fixing the red headband I was wearing.

Kurt looked down at his red thriller jacket and smoothed it.

"I like it. Thank you, Wanda." Kurt said. I smiled and nodded. Maybe being a stylist wouldn't be a bad career choice for me.

"Come on, let's go have a little fun! What should we do?" Scott asked. He walked backwards as he faced us. We all remained silent.

"Well you guys are no fun." Scott commented.

"Lets head to the Space Port Arcade." I answered. "There's nothing more fun than video games. My brother and I can both agree."

"You see?! Now, she's the definition of fun." Scott said.

I playfully rolled my eyes and smiled. "No duh!"

We walked into the Space Port.

Scott and Jean were playing against each other while Jubilee was playing next to them.

Kurt and I were next to each other.

I was playing Ms. Pac-Man. It would be cool if Peter and Lorna were here. Peter would just be crying at my score right now.

Kurt looked at my score as I saw him with the reflection of the game screen. His eyes widened.

"How do you get that big of a score?!" He asked.

"Kurt, you haven't even seen my high score. It made my brother cry. And this was ten years ago!" I replied. Kurt chuckled. I noticed that he was playing a game and using his tail to play another game!

I smiled in amazement.

"Rad!" A boy commented with a smile, looking at Kurt.

Strength Survives {Sequel to CTF} EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now