Danger Unleashed

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We were still in the helicopter. We were unknown of our destination. I just wanted to get the hell out of here.

I looked over at the others and looked at Peter.

What was that guy going to do to with my brother? Or the others? Was he going to test them? Use their mutations for something? Who knows.

"Our father, hold me in the light of God." Kurt prayed quietly. I looked at him.

"It should've been me." Scott croaked out. The three of us looked at him.

"Scott, don't think like that." I told him gently.

"No. He was the one that was gonna do something with his life. He was always the one." Scott said, his voice cracking. I looked at him sympathetically.

"That's not what he felt." Jean started. "He felt you were the one that was gonna do something special with your life. That you were gonna make a difference in the world. Maybe even change it."

"How do you know what he felt." Scott asked.

"I know what everybody feels." Jean answered, not happy with her reply. I looked at her sadly. Scott looked at her and Jean looked back at him. She then took his hand with hers. A tear came out Scott's glasses and strolled down his cheek.

I looked down then looked at Kurt. What he said earlier awakened my curiosity.


He stopped mid prayer again and opened his eyes to look at me.

"I'm sorry for interrupting," I started with an embarrassed smile, "But I couldn't help but think what you said earlier."

Kurt raised his eyebrows.

"When we got trapped in here, you mentioned something about it being like Berlin all over—" I started and immediately Kurt looked down. "What did you mean by that?"

I concentrated on his saddened look.

"Kurt...how did Mystique find you?" I asked quietly. He swallowed as he slowly turned to me.

"She found me in Berlin. In a place where they made me and another Mutant fight while other people cheered and watched," He answered softly, "Like we were entertainment."

I looked back with wide eyes.

"You were in those mutant fight clubs?! I heard about those. They're terrible." I spoke out in disgust.

"Ja. I had just gotten there. They...took me from the circus. I was just resting under a tree and these men just took me. They took me away from my home. From my mother and my father."

I gave a gentle squeeze on his arm that I quickly grabbed. I felt my heart break even more. First for Scott losing Alex and now Kurt. Just taken like that from his home and forced to fight for people's entertainment just because of who he is.

"I injured the other mutant. He had these beautiful wings but I ruined them. I felt horrible. Then Mystique made a distraction something to help us escape. I followed her and helped her get to the school. I met you all and now we are here." Kurt finished his story with a small smile but his face showed hurt.

Strength Survives {Sequel to CTF} EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now