Annoying Summers

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(2 years later- 1983)

Me and Jean were leaning against a tree. I looked up at one of the branches and noticed a squirrel.

He was trying to get an acorn, but he looked to scared to go on the highest branch to get it.

Yeah, even animals have fear. We're all similar in some way.

I looked at the squirrel and smiled. I closed my eyes and opened them again, revealing my now red irises.

The squirrel's eyes turned red as well.

Face your fear and get the acorn.

The squirrel obeyed and went up the highest branch, grabbed the acorn and climbed down.

My eyes went back to my normal light brown and I smiled.

"Well, you're doing your mind control pretty well." Jean commented. I chuckled.

"I guess I am. I'm surprised I even have it at all." I chirped, flipping the page of my English textbook.

I heard the bell ring. I lifted my head up.

"Crap, we gotta get to Spanish class! We have that test today." Jean reminded. We quickly grabbed our books and got up, before running straight to school.

When we got in, there was a crowd full of teenagers and kids trying to get to their classes. Like always.

"I hate traffic." I grumbled in annoyance.

We were almost to our Spanish class when I saw Jean bump into a boy, causing her books to fall.

But Jean let out her hand and a second later, her books were floating instead of hitting the ground. She levitated her books back into her arms.

Jean looked at the boy in annoyance.

"I can't." The boy spoke. I saw that he had gauze wrapped around his eyes.

I looked at him in confusion, and so did the man next to him.

"Who are you talking to?" The man asked.

"Me." Jean answered. The man looked at her.

"I just heard you in my head." The boy spoke in slight shock. Jean smiled.

"I'm telepathic. I read minds." Jean said.

"Well, stay out of mine." The boy snapped, making Jean's smile fade. "I don't want some weird girl creeping around there."

"Don't worry, Scott. There's not much to see." Jean said with attitude, walking away.

I let out an annoyed scoff. "Weird? Does he know where he is?"

"Hey, wait! I didn't tell you my name!" The boy, Scott, called to her.

"No, you didn't!" Jean snapped back, walking into Spanish class. I looked at Scott.

"What's your problem? She didn't do anything bad to you." I defended.

"Yeah she did. She was inside my head." Scott said in annoyance. I rolled my eyes at him. The man glared at him and looked at me.

"I'm sorry about him. I'm Alex Summers and this is my little brother, Scott. He just got his powers a few days ago. That's why he's got that attitude." Alex explained. We shook hands.

"Alright. That I understand. Just tell your brother that he's a little ass." I said. Alex stifled a laugh.

"Hey, I can still hear you! I just can't see." Scott snapped.

"Oh, I know." I said with an innocent smile and walked to my Spanish class.


Jean and I were outside for gym class.

Jean was practicing her archery, and I was practicing my energy bolts.

Jean shot the arrow towards the target across the lake. It hit the red center of the target.

I held out my hand and aimed my hand towards the target.

A second later, the red hex bolt shot out of my hand and towards the target. It hit right in the center.

I know because there was a burnt hole in the center.

Jean and I smiled at each other.

I looked to my left.

"Hey, check it out. It's Diva Boy." I said, referring to Scott, who was standing a few feet from us. Hank, Alex and Professor Xavier was also there with him.

"What do you think his power is? I guess since it's dealing with his eyes, it's probably lizard eyes. Or night vision." I guessed. "Ooh, maybe they shoot out acid!"

"You And your creativity, Wanda." Jean chuckled.

I saw him take off the gauze off his eyes, but his eyes were still shut.

I saw the professor talk to Scott.

A second later, he opened his eyes and strong bright red laser beams shot out of them and into the lake and into a tree.

Jean and I jumped back in shock. I heard of the kids shriek in shock.

Yeesh, that was actually Charles' favorite tree.

A minute later, the tree split in half.

"No way!" I said in amazement.

I saw the professor smile and said something, making Scott give a smile.

"What happened?" I asked Jean.

Jean smiled and looked at Scott.

"He's enrolled." Jean answered. I smiled at her.

He'll fit into this school just fine.

A/N: SCOTT IS IN THE PICTURE NOW! YAY! Now, we just need Kurt, who'll be coming in soon!

Thank you so much for reading, Lovelies!


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