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2020 has been a hectic ride so far. But let me tell you, it's also been the year of change and fight. The protests and the fight for change and standing up to stubborn and ignorant Karens and racists makes me hope that our future will finally change for the better. But right now, the fight for change and justice still continues. I want to tell you two stories of a man whose life was taken by police brutality that I read recently that broke me. I want to share his story.

Elijah McClain was 23 year old black man. He was a massage therapist who was the sweetest man. He played violin for the animals in the animal shelters during his spare time. He made everyone smile. On August 24, 2019, Elijah went to the store to get tea for his brother. He was anemic so he always felt cold, even on hot says so he wore a ski mask. Elijah was walking home while listening to music and was dancing. The Aurora Department Police Officers were there and saw him and immediately found him "suspicious". Just because of that, they arrested him. Elijah McClain was not armed and had no criminal records. Ever. Elijah, confused, asked why but since he couldn't really hear due to the music, he was going to turn it down. That's when the officers tackled the sweet man and placed in a carotid hold. As he was being choked, he still had his sweet personality and begged them to let him go. He called the police officers "beautiful" and "phenomenal". He cried and vomited while still saying sweet words and they didn't care. The police called the fire department and when they arrived, they told the fire department to inject him with a strong tranquilizer called Ketamine. They did it for his "agitated" state. They give him a dosage enough for a 220 pound man. Elijah was only 140 pounds. On the way to the hospital, Elijah went into two cardiac arrests due to the Ketamine. A few day later, he was pronounced brain dead. Once again, this was on August 24, 2019. It's almost a year and Elijah McClain's murderers are still walking free, while sweet Elijah isn't here anymore. No one has been charged or held accountable. These officers need to be arrested and put in bars because they tortured and murdered a sweet soul who did not do anything wrong! We need to fight for this since law enforcement does not.

Spread the word through social media.

There's a petition (Justice for Elijah McClain) that you can sign here:

I've also placed pictures below of phone numbers of who you can call and what you can say:

I've also placed pictures below of phone numbers of who you can call and what you can say:

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This is a site regarding ways to donate in support of the BLM move and POC:

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This is a site regarding ways to donate in support of the BLM move and POC:

Elijah McClain was a sweet soul who was taken from this world. He and his family will get justice. Nobody should ever be killed because of the color of their skin. Ever. Nobody should be killed because they look "suspicious". Ever.
To the black community, I am so sorry that you need a movement at all. You need to be treated with the same respect and equality as others.

We need justice for all the black lives lost due to police brutality. Eric Garner. Breonna Taylor. Micheal Brown. Akai Gurley. Tamir Rice. Sandra Bland. Philando Castile. Freddie Gray. Stephon Clark. Botham Jean. Ahmaud Arbery. George Floyd. Elijah McClain.

If there are anymore cases that need to be seen, please post them in the comments with information and ways to help.

Black lives MATTER.

I stand with the black community. I will always stand with you. You deserve better and I am so so sorry that you've dealt with this pain and suffering for so long. There will be change.

No justice, no peace.

Please take care of yourself. Be safe and be healthy. Thank you for giving your time to read this.


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