Chapter Three

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Dear Splash,

I am writing this letter as I plan how to get you to say “yes”. I want you to be my wife and the proposal has to be perfect! I will be asking my little sister to keep this and mail it to me after six months. I am assuming we are going through with the wedding preparations. Before you turn into a Bridezilla, I’d like you to be reminded of how much I love you. Making the wedding flawless is just one of the goals but being the husband you deserve is the most important thing to me.

I know how much you love Korean dramas and the songs from these shows even though you don’t understand the words. You even translate them through Google and sing along! I love that about you. Would it be too corny to remind you of how our own ‘Korean drama’ started? The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew then and there that I didn’t just want you as my girlfriend. I wanted you to be my wife. Of course, I didn’t want to creep you out so I kept that to myself – until now.

Do you remember that gloomy and rainy Tuesday afternoon? That fateful day when I was driving mindlessly, rushing to my destination, and I splashed you with water from a deep puddle, leaving you drenched and upset? I offered you a ride to your destination and you refused. That was a smart move but the smarter one was finally agreeing to come with me, especially because we were headed to the same place! Kismet! Thank goodness there were no cabs and the downpour was torrential! By the way, you looked marvelous while angry and dripping wet.

Kidding aside, even as I sat in the hotel restaurant as you rushed to the powder room, I couldn’t get my mind off you. I wondered if you were able to fix everything up and your meeting with whoever went well. I prayed you weren’t there to see a boyfriend. If you were, then how ungentlemanly of him to let you travel alone in the pouring rain.

I knew then that the blind date I was about to be on would be a dud. I didn’t have the slightest interest in meeting her anymore. I was on the lookout for you in the hotel restaurant, making sure everything was fine. I was even thinking of giving your boyfriend – if you had one – a piece of my mind.

My friend, who was waiting with me, beamed when he saw a woman enter the restaurant at the exact same time you came out of the powder room. You were in my peripheral vision but it was you I wanted to look at.

“There she is,” my friend whispered, but I couldn’t get a good look at her because I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.

You were wearing a new dress and looked fresh. Somewhere along the way, we locked eyes.

Lo and behold, it was you who approached our table and not the woman. I thought you were going to throw water at my face, but my friend stood up and greeted you with, “I’m glad you came.”

He introduced us and we both just smiled.

This is cliché but I think we were fated to be together.

                 Forget me not,


P.S. – The song for the first episode of our telenovela would be ‘Do I Need a Reason’ by D’Sound.

Rianne folded the letter from “Sparks” and got to thinking again. She wondered if these letters were really meant for her so she opened them hoping they would spur her memory but they didn’t. She found them intriguing and sweet and marveled at the fact that someone could love that deeply. How she wished she could also find someone like Sparks, who took the time to actually write a love letter. Definitely old-fashioned but romantic. Whoever Splash was, she sure was lucky to have found Sparks.

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