heart break and heart join.

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Dedicated to onelovetoexplore

As I took in her outfit,I realised it had too much black and she looked nervous wearing it.After a quick breakfast , she hugged me goodbye and started towards the door. Suddenly it dawned on me that she was leaving. My Sam was leaving me . But I was too stubborn to give up, I tried my best to tempt her by wagging my tail as fast as it could and I gave her the most dazzling smile hoping she would change her mind and stay with me forever. For a second I think I saw her mind changing and she decided to leave but a sudden honk from somewhere snapped her back to reality and she left with one longing glance towards my direction. I ran to the window to get a good look at whatever it was that was separating me from her...I was surprised to find a big and by big I mean gigantic yellow car (for humans -bus) waiting for her,I could also see a lot of humans ,not as pretty as my love ,dressed exactly like her. For the first time since joining earth I felt what heart break was. It hurts.

After hours of crying ,I decided to sulk and not eat thinking she might come back to me if she heard the fuss I was creating..

Boy was I right!After what seemed like forever I finally saw her . I saw my Sam running towards me. At that moment I felt what pure joy was, I knew what happiness at its truest form was. But keeping all the philosophy aside, I was just happy to get her back. I was happy to fix my broken heart.
After running around her and licking her ,because I noticed she liked me licking her, I got off her so that she can change from that dreadful dress and come back as my normal Sam...

After she ate we played for a long time...It was more fun than usual. Maybe they are right.The distance does make the hearts grow fonder. And I was just too happy to hand my heart and my life over to her.

After this sad and hateful routine of her leaving me In the morning and coming back every afternoon , I grew used to it . I would wait eagerly for her to return because I knew she would come back to me. But that day she came home with two of her friends . She introduced me to them and me being the lovely dog that I am, I rush forward to lick them but the one on the right , a girl named Mary , jumped almost two feet to the right.. honestly in all my life I have never seen anybody so scared of me. Even though it kind of offended me I was also terribly pleased that someone was scared of me and wouldn't always blabber about of how cute I was. So I took a particular liking to Mary because I loved scaring her ,but not only that, she was my Sam's friend..how could I hate any of her friends?? But I was wrong and little did I know that the future would soon show me that!

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