What do you mean by milk is over!?

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After the amazing and yet exhausting walk with Sam , Beth and Jay,I found myself replaying the days event in my head.

Everything seemed to go perfect. Sam and Jay really clicked because after a few minutes I saw then laughing and talking , so that's good.

I finally drifted off to my much awaited sleep and I am pretty sure that I had a huge grin plastered on my face.

After a long sleep , I woke up on my own. That's a rare occurrence because most of the days, I am rudely awakened and separated from my sleep. So I was happy and contented.

I knew that it was a Saturday,  so most probably Sid and Sam were not gonna have classes. YIPPEEE.

A full day at home, playing 'catch' with them was my perfect day and I was one thing away from living it. MILK.
It was a strange addiction I fostered over days. I never really used to be addicted to its heavenly taste but somehow the addiction inculcated in me without my own knowledge. Mom seemed fine with my recent addiction so I was happy.

As I went to the kitchen, drooling over the thought of milk, I saw mom hovering over the stove.  I excitedly thought that it must be milk. So I waited and waited. After a few minutes mom turned around and spotted me. She came up to me , patted my head and told me on a sad voice " I am sorry tommy, the milk is over. "

After standing there for a few seconds fixed like a pole, I decided to do something so I took a step forward and again another step till I reached the stove , I jumped on the slab and smelt what was being made my mom. To my utter dissapointment , it was not milk. Worse , it was some liquid which smelled so horrible that I was 99% sure that it would taste even more worse.

I knew that I was acting like a spoilt brat but that didn't stop me from mentally shouting "What do you mean by milk is over!?!?!"

I groaned and told myself "what a great start to my seemingly perfect day!"( if you dint understand,it was laced with sarcasm )

Sad and defeated, I went to find the kids, hoping to lighten my mood . But again they ere not to be found. How hard could it be to find two visible, living and moving humans especially when I was a dog and could smell them ? Well, I learnt it was pretty tough. Mom gave me the signal which indicated that they were hiding from me. Hide and seek was a game I was very used to and loved playing with them.  I ran around the house, my nose poking everywhere which was large enough to fit a human. Needless to say, I failed miserably. I finally gave up my futile attempts and minutes later my mom called them down from their hiding place which was our terrace. I was in a good mind to teach them the importance of following the rules because they themselves laid down the rule that the terrace was off limits.  But seeing them grin at each other while gushing about their victory was enough to change my mind. I ran upto them and both of them laughed as I wrapped my arms or I tried to wrap my arms around both of them. Today was definitely not my day. I was still sad due to the unavailability of good , tasty milk but as I have mentioned earlier, when life gives you lemons, settle with lemon juice instead.

After a very good morning of playing and lazing around, I saw all of them getting dressed. I knew that they were going out . I had even become accustomed to the fact that they can't let me tag along everywhere they are going, so I sadly retreat to a corner not wanting to disturb them but mostly trying to comfort myself and not feel the pangs in my heart. I hated being lonely but I had no choice .

After a few minutes, everybody was ready . I patiently and sadly waited for them to go. But what happened took me by great surprise. Dad took my leash and he asked me to come forward, I went and he attached the leash to my collar and all of us went out . I felt like I was an important part of the family. They were taking me out. Somehow, the thought itself made me giddy with happiness. I promised to myself that I would behave so that they wouldn't regret bringing me along. As soon as we got in the car, I moved to the window , claiming it mine. Sam just laughed at my act and sat beside me . It was still bright outside but soon the sun would set. I had always loved sunsets, they were so beautiful.

As everybody got in, Sam put a hand over my neck and I adjusted myself and finally after sitting comfortably, I gazed outside the window, taking in all the beautiful sites outside my home. Everything was so beautiful. So perfect.  Even the imperfections seemed perfect in its own place.

As I looked outside, I wondered where we were going?
I Knew that I was soon going to find out soon so I decided to not fret about the future and just sit back and enjoy the show.

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