The Walk

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For the first time in my life, I found it difficult to sleep. Every time I close my eyes , I see Beth. I replay every single moment I had with her. Oh god of chocolates, I am super messed up right now!

After hours of tossing around , I was able to close my eyes . But as soon as I closed my eyes the sun woke up. Why couldn't the sun sleep longer!?

I grudgingly got out of bed and and tiptoed to Sam's bed hoping she was asleep so that I could go and catch up with my long lost friend, sleep.

Luck seemed to have turned it's back on me because I saw Sam fully dressed, tying her hair in front of he mirror. My eyes adamantly remained open even though my mind begged for darkness.

When she saw me, her eyes lit up or so I imagined, I didn't know for sure. She walked up to me and gave me the customary 'good morning kiss' on my forehead and for a moment sleep was forgotten. As if on cue, my stomach rumbled. I was famished.

I walked or more like ran to the kitchen , hoping for my breakfast even though it was kinda early for it.

I saw mom in the kitchen cooking something delicious, I am sure. My mouth watered at the thought of eggs. I love eggs. Boiled,fried,raw,it doesn't matter as long as they are eggs.
As soon as mom saw me she went up to the mini room which was insanely cold and pulled out two eggs and cold water.
I was about to beg her for some eggs when I realised maybe she was making them for me. So I patiently waited and waited . After a long 3 minutes, I was served delicious fluffy eggs!!
After eating to my hearts content, I was happy and all ready to go back to sleep.
But that was when my mind registered the time. It was morning, it was 7 , it was the time Sam and Jay had fixed for our walks.

My heart suddenly rushed and my body pumped with excitement at the prospect of seeing Beth again.
I went in search for Sam. I found her putting her shoes on and taking my leash. I bounced towards her and patiently waited for her to put on the leash. As soon as it was done , I tugged her along but she lost her balance and everything seemed to be in slow motion . She slowly let out a startled scream and fell face first to the floor. I stood transfixed to my spot, my mouth wide open with panic and shock as I took in the scene before me. Soon dread filled me up and I rushed forward and looked around for blood. After I made sure she wasn't bleeding, I nudged her on her sides and she moved. She was alive!! Hurray! !! I felt very guilty because I was clearly at blame . My eagerness to see Beth had nearly hurt Sam. Damn! I really did have to get my priorities right!

After a minute of stating in that position ( face first on the floor), Sam slowly got up, dusted herself and looked at me. She must have seen the guilt in my eyes because she instantly kneeled down. I noticed her flinching while kneeling down. It must have hurt her, nevertheless she kneeled down and soothed me. She told me that I was not the one to blame. Her convincing and calm tone even left me convinced for a second but I was not fooled for long.

But after assuring me that she was fine and in perfectly good health, I agreed to go for the already planned walk with Beth.
After 4 minutes of walking , we reached a street which I was not familiar with . It was extremely beautiful with the empty road and abundance of trees. There was a slight breeze blowing and the sky looked dark, almost like it was going to rain. I even silently prayed for that rain because I knew how much Sam loved the rain. After waiting for a few minutes, we had company. I gazed at the small spot that was getting larger and larger as it approached us.

Soon Beth and jay was completely visible and no longer obscured by distance.
They were soon standing in front in front of us . Jay and Sam greeted each other formally , on the other hand, I grinned at Beth trying to hide my excitement but seeing her excited and happy face gave me a boost if confidence and I went ahead and stood next to her. After she breathed out a small "Hi", she looked at me through her beautiful small and thin eyelashes. I met ally thanked God for the three beautiful girls in my life ( Sam, mom and Beth) and prayed that they remained with me for as long as forever would be.
Hey guys.
I just wanted to let you all know that my chapters might not be that good because I have my exams coming up.
But I promise to make it up to all of you in the coming chapters.
P.S don't forget to vote and comment!!!+

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