The master plan!

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After being brutally awakened from my sleep, I started communicating with Sam.  I just hoped that she got the message that I wanted to go for a walk. It seemed like luck was on my side because she understood. 

She got ready and got the leash, motioning for me to follow her. I tried to keep the enthusiasm a notch down because I did not want her to be suspicious.  I slowly trotted besides her. After  hitting the road, I tugged at the leash , signalling that I was going to lead the way. She happily agreed, walking behind me humming to some song.

After a few minutes, we entered  the road where Beth stays. I ran to Beth's gate and gave a small bark. Seconds later,  I saw her head bobbing up and down , trying to see me through the zig zag shaped gate.

Sam was visibly terrified , maybe because I was acting so weird. Realising this, I stepped away from the gate and grinned at Sam . I proceeded to sit next to her leg and wait. After 3 minutes, I saw Jay approaching the gate, wondering what was wrong with Beth. As soon as he saw me , recognition lit up his face as he opened the gate and came forward to pet me.

I innocently looked at him, making him go "aww". As he scratched my head, I sneaked a peek at Beth. She was looking at me , wide eyed with surprise . I gave her a quick wink, causing her to blush.  While all of this happened, Sam stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

Now all that was left wad to make Jay and Sam friends so that I would get to meet Beth every day!

I wriggled out of Jay's grip and went to Sam tugging her forward. She reluctantly stepped forward and greeted Jay . She then turned to Beth  and started talking to her. It might have looked weird but I knew Sam , she considered us to be equal to humans , so she talked with us too. At times I have to endure hours of her lectures on medieval history. It's boring but I just intently look at her , convincing her that I understand everything she said.

After her conversation with Beth which included names, comments on Beth's beauty and a few random things, she turned to Jay and apologised for my undisciplined behaviour. I pouted at her (not literally but in my mind). Thankfully Jay just laughed it off . He then said something that gathered my attention. He said that "" well..since Beth and Tommy seems to be friends, why don't we walk then together? Beth gets lonely at times because she has no one to play with. ""

Sam seemed to ponder over it and seconds later,  she agreed to it. Both of them fixed a time and a meeting place. After deciding, they said their goodbyes . I quickly said bye to Beth and gave Jay a smile before walking along with Sam back to home.

I was soooo happy. My plan seemed to work. I knew that Sam felt bad because I had no other friends. So I could easily predict that this would turn out to be the way it had happened. Just Perfect!

After reaching home, I rushed to Sid and jumped on him . He was so engrossed In studying that he didn't notice me coming. This whole me jumping on him ended with him on the floor, and me sitting on top of him , grinning victoriously.

After half hour of playing with Sid,  I was tired and all I wanted was to sleep. But life was never fair to me when it came to my sleep. I was woken minutes after I went to sleep by mom. I gave her an irritated look, asking her what she wanted. She simply grinned and said that she dint like me sleeping when all of the others where awake. Ugh.  I took my own sweet time as I lazily got out of bed and stood in front of mom,  awaiting further commands . After a good 5 minutes of staring at each other, she wickedly smiled and said that everybody was asleep and I could go to sleep. What I felt at that moment was worse than chocolate deprivation. 

I silently reflected on the weirdness of this family. Correction....MY family.



Hey guys.!!!!
Sorry again for the late update and not so good chapter.  If you disagree,  comment  and vote please!!!
Love you all
Smk signing off😊😙😘😚

P.S I SIGNED UP FOR THE WATTYS!!! it was a spontaneous decision. so please do support me !!!!!!

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