The Fall

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After a night of fulfilling sleep, I happily woke up expecting the nce and serene atmosphere f the cottage. As soon as my eyes were adjusted to the light, I was surprised to find myself in an extremely familiar room. Like a   jolt of electricity it hit me that we had reached back from our perfect journey. Well, at least this was 'home sweet home'.

I soon started formulating plans for the day. It had been quite sometime since I saw Beth. Honestly,  I did think about her more than once or twice during the trip.

As soon as I knew what to do,I ran to Sam's room . I was welcomed by the sight of a sleeping Sam. I went and started poking her with my nose. After a million failed attempts,  I started breathing heavily on her toes. Again failure laughed at my face. So finally I went all out and gave a big wet sloppy lick right on her face. That seemed to do the trick as she jumped up from her sleeping posture and blurted out a string of incoherent words,or so I assume.

That was fun.

I knew for a fact that Sam was not a morning person and waking her up in the mornings was equivalent to signing your own death contract but hey, a dog has to do what he has to!

At first her eyes were lit up with  anger but as soon as she saw my grinning and hopeful face , she visibly softened and came over to pull me in a hug.

After wishing me good morning,she locked herself up in the room ,minutes later she came out of her room dressed for a walk. I rushed to the place where my belongings were kept and took hold of a red leash. Sam laughed at my enthusiasm as she clipped on one end of the leash to my collar. After informing mom about the walk, we headed out.

I purposefully started tugging the leash and leading her towards the direction of Beth's house. As soon as we entered the familiar street,  Sam seemed to recognize it too as she stope to bend down and pat me while publicly teasing me. I should probably add that I was so embarrassed that tomato ketchup would be jealous of me .

I pulled away from her hand and resumed walking in the general direction. Soon in yhe distance, just as I had hoped, I saw the silhouettes of Beth and Jay. To say that I was happy would be an understatement. I was so great full that luck was on my side . I ran towards Beth forgetting that Sam still held one end of the leash. My sudden burst of energy lurched her forward and before I could react she lost her balance and fell on the road with a faint thud. Guilt consumed me as realisation hit me. I had just hurt Sam, my Sam because of my stupid eagerness to meet Beth. My train of guilt ridden thoughts were interupted by Sam's soft cries of pain. She seemed to be in too much pain. Within seconds, Jay and Beth was already by her sides. Beth came and stood more closer to me hoping to comfort me. On the other hand, Jay pulled Sam up and was now inspecting her hands. Her right hand had a deep long gash and blood flowed from it. Jay cringed at the sight . He took a piece of cloth from his pocket and carefully tied it around the wound while I went and stood next to Sam crying and mentally asking for her forgiveness. As if Sam heard my thoughts, she bend Dow and whispered " it's not your fault. I still love you" with a faint laugh but I heard the pain aced in the laugh. I was the worst dog a human could ask for. I don't deserve Sam.  She is too good for me. I didn't know that I was voicing my thoughts out loud because the usually shy Beth came upto me and started pacifying me . It worked. She reminded me of all those reasons why I loved Sam and Sam loved me. I was greatly relieved to kow that atleast Sam wouldn't leave me in the streets because I hurt her.

I looked up and saw that Jay was now cleaning a small cut on her jaw. He looked really worried and concerned for her. Even though I felt a pang of jealousy, I was great full that atleast he was tending to her and making her feel better. So I went to Jay and snuggled my face into his legs trying to communicate through this action all the gratitude that I felt towards him.

After a few minutes Jay asked Sam our address and soon all of us were packed into Jays car because he declared that Sam was in no condition to walk.

Within 8 minutes , we reached home. Jay helped Sam out of the car and into our home while beth and I followed suit.

As soon as we entered , Sam called out to mom who was busy in the kitchen.  Mom came running and as soon as she saw Sam's hand , she started fussing over her. I guess the commotion must have attracted the others because soon my whole family was standing in the living room as Jay gave an account of what really happened. As soon as he finished recounting the grim tale of the fall, my dad went up to him and shook his hand while expressing his gratitude for taking care of his daughter, honestly I couldn't agree more. Mom even insisted that Jay and (much to my delight) Beth stay for breakfast.  After much persuasion , Jay gave in.

Even though the day started off in a bad note, I was kinda happy now ( ignoring the guilt gnawing my poor innocent intestines ) because Sam's injury was not that serious as I had thought. I was mainly exaggerating and also Beth was staying over . Now I could show Beth all my toys and even share my "GOOD BOY" treats with her.

This day was already getting good. San had already forgiven me so I guess that's that. But even though I liked the company of Beth a lot, nobody and I mean NOBODY can replace my Sam!



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