Miles and miles away.

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Thank you so much my amazing readers for crossing 300 reads!! It's means a lot!!
You guys rock!! Please vote and comment too. It would make my day!! A big shout out to @bluenarga for his book!! It's amazing guys. Check it out! !!
Dedicated to @bluenarga @gauti_josh @stalohad

After a fun filled day with Sam and Sid, I decided to retire for the day , hoping that the ill feeling feelings that tug on my heart is just a false alarm.

I soon fell asleep and dreamed a happy dream. A dream where my whole family is sent to live in a house from which no one can leave. And it is filled with chocolates and calcium bones( my second favourite to chocolates.). But unfortunately, like all good things the dream was also short lived as I was rudely awakened from my dear sleep by my even dearer Sid. At first I was confused. Where was Sam. It was kind of like our ritual that she woke me up. So I was tensed. But after few seconds I saw her walking in from a morning walk. Wondering how I know? She is never sweaty or weirdly dressed except when she goes for a morning walk.

I rushed to her and jumped on her giving her my special hug reserved solely for her.
After the hug , she went for a bath and I patiently counted in my head , waiting for her to come out. After eternity, she comes out. She was dressed up. I wondered where she was going. I soon found my answer. She was going shopping for her competition that was miles away from me. My heart sank as I realised that it was all reality and not a big bad dream. But like yesterday, I faked happiness for her. If she is happy , I am happy. I silently retreated to the corner as Sam and Mom left .

I waited and waited and waited. Where were they!?
My mind was travelling at an astonishing speed.
I refused to eat. I refused to even get up. I may have faked happiness but I wasn't going to back down without a try!

Few more hours later, I was alone in Sam's balcony, could ting the stars. They were beautiful. I wish they were close so that I could touch them but apparently they are like little helium balloons, they float. They are so tiny I could eat them all in one go. I wondered how they tasted? Sweet? Salty? Bitter, most likely.

My stream of thoughts were interupted by the door opening and Sam's grunt. I rushed out side and saw Sam heaving a big cover inside . It overflowed with goods. Wow. They must have blown a lot of money. After an endless parade of shopping bags , they came in , exhausted .
Sam quietly went to her room. Brought down her suitcase from the loft and started packing.

She was leaving . SHE WAS LEAVING !!!my heart and body went into panic mode as I whimpered,Cursing whoever made me because they forgot to implant a human language chip. I was stuck with bow bow. Life was so unfair.

But luckily after packing she went to bed dragging me with her and engulfing me in a huge hug as she slowly drifted to sleep. I was at peace. This was where I belonged. With my Sam.

I was not ready to accept that she was leaving! I knew that I was being a bit , okay okay, a lot dramatic. But I couldn't help it.
She was going to be miles and miles away from me!

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