LOST or not?

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After the very amazing day, all I wanted and looked forward to was undisturbed, peaceful sleep. But then, when have I ever got what I wanted? As soon as I went to sleep, I was intentionally woken up by two hyper active, annoying kids, guess who?!

After waking me up, they asked me to play with them. Did they lose it? It was 1 hour past midnight, it was pitch dark outside and yet they wanted to risk everything and play outside!? I made up my mind and I politely refused their offer as I turned and readied myself for the long lost sleep. But the kids seemed adamant today. I finally gave up by laborious efforts to attain some peaceful sleep and tagged behind the kids as they sneakily made their way outside. Even though I did not want to go, I knew from the start that I would because I couldn't let them go alone.

Soon we reached the weak fence which separated us from the dense forest beyond. The forest looked extra scary when it was dark. The kids jumped over the fence and motioned me to do so. The protective side of me reasoned to not go with them, but I guess my adventurous side dominated because in no time I found myself on the other side of the fence grinning mischievously along with the kids. We soon wandered inside the forest hoping tie get a glimpse of some exotic species for Sam to take pictures of. Sam was crazy about her camera and loved photography and she always said that her favourite model was ME (yeah!).

I constantly tried to sniff and mark the route so that we don't get lost. Sid had a piece of chalk using which he marked big 'X's on the trees. Soon we reached a clearing amongst the trees. It looked like someone cut and pasted that beautiful piece of land. It had a beautiful silvery glow (source being the moon, of course!)Casting the shadows of the trees to the centre. Sam and Sid ran to the centre and looked around while I sniffed making sure that there were no potential threats around. I came up with an empty paw, so assuming that it was safe, I joined the kids, now sprawled on the dirt, and laid down next to them. Sam was busy taking pictures of the sky, trees and occasionally mine and very rarely, Sid's.

After a few hours, probably around 3 am, I realised that it was late and we had to start heading back. I nudged the kids and stood on the end of the clearing, sending them the message that we should leave. They understood as they got up and picked up their stuff. We started walking again. But soon we realised that there was something wrong. Neither did Sid come across his 'X's nor could I make out the trail I had marked on my way here. We wandered aimlessly for a few minutes. Sid was visibly scared why Sam kept her composure. Even I wanted to remain calm and hopeful but I very well knew that I was very scared. I felt responsible for the kids, their safety was my responsibility. What If I failed? I couldn't imagine a situation like that. I had to protect them, no matter what. So I decided to take control. I started sniffing around hoping to catch at least a faint scent of our original trail or another way back. Despair filled in me as I came up with nothing.

With a rough Idea of the directions, I started walking. Thankfully, the kids followed too. We soon reached a small stream with crystal clear water. Despite being lost and scared, Sam still stopped to click pictures and marvelled the beauty around her. At times her calm and composed behaviour even in the scariest situation surprised me. After spending a few minutes there, we resumed on direction which we assumed would take us back to the cottage.

We walked for what seemed like eternity before I picked up a very familiar scent. I thought hard about the scent and why it was familiar. Suddenly like a bulb Illumination, It strike me. It was the scented chalk that Sid used to mark the trees! I ran in the direction from which the scent came.

The kids followed close behind thinking that I had found the way back. Even though I did not find the way back home, I found the next best thing, our old trail. I stopped running when I spotted the marked tree a few feet ahead of us. The kids stopped and looked around in confusion. As soon as they spotted the tree, their faces lit up and both of them hugged me while praising me for being their hero. As much as I loved to be modest about myself and my talents, just this once, I took pride in my actions. We soon got back on track and followed the original trail back home. Soon we saw the faint glow of the bulb hanging on the veranda. The kids and I ran to the fence and jumped over It In a jiffy. After jumping over, we slowed our paces and tip toed back inside the cottage. Once Inside, we stood still for a second, checking if anybody had come to know about our little, and innocent sneaking out. After receiving no responses from anywhere in the house, the kids both went inside their room with me following them. Without even knowing, the three of us instantly went into dreamland as exhaustion took over our body. I finally got my long, desired sleep.



Hey guys!!!!!

Hope u like this chapter. 

Forgive me for stupid mistakes!!

pls comment and vote!! :) :)

Love <3


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