➺Chapter One

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Aaida and Zaeem were wed three days after the funeral. By then, the main bedroom had been renovated and Aaus, his wife, and Aliya had moved to the servant quarters. It was not enough for them and their complaints were loud yet it was more than they could've wished for on the streets. Aliya had greedily accepted her allowance and had already blown it away to buy herself new sheets and grandeur for the tiny room she was allotted.

As for Aaus, he had to put up with his wife's whining and get up more than once during the night to inspect a suspicious noise.

Aaida later on found out that Zaeem did not need his father's wealth at all. In fact, at the age of twenty-three, he had already built an empire that could rival his father's. Aaida was shocked to say the least. How had he managed to start from scratch and acquire so much? She had yet to ask him.

The day after their wedding, Zaeem left for work in the morning. Aaida wasn't surprised. He had told her point blank that he would not be romanticizing their marriage by offering a honeymoon. Aaida hadn't expected one either. She felt it would be too awkward.

In the beginning, she did not know how to react to his sudden proposal. She was afraid of what he would do to her and her mother and brother. But now, she realized she wanted to make the most of it. She wanted Zaeem to see she wasn't like her mother.

Zaeem had dismissed their old servants because he did not trust them. In their place were new ones although after Aaida had practically begged, he had allowed the housekeeper to stay. Susie, her housekeeper, did not have another home except for their Manor. And Aaida would be distraught if Susie were to be homeless.

"Will the master be back soon?" Susie asked as she dusted the crystal work in the blue sitting room.

Aaida fiddled with the sleeve of her gown, worrying her lower lip. "I don't know, Mama Susie. He informed the butler he would be back at around three o'clock and it's nearing that time now."

Aaida glanced at the old grandfather clock to confirm her statement. It was nearly three.

"As soon as he's home, will you please have the table set? It's been a long day and Zaeem will be hungry. I don't think he's had lunch in his office."

Susie nodded with a smile. "Of course, child."

Susie hummed as she worked. The clock ticked along. At exactly three o'clock, the doors to the Manor opened. Susie hurried off to get their meal ready while Aaida rushed to the front doors.

When she saw her husband, she smiled warmly.

"You're back," she reached out a hand to take his coat. "It's been a long day so why don't you wash up and come down for your meal. Mama Susie-"

Zaeem briskly walked past her. "I already ate."

Aaida's face fell. "Oh. I see. Would you like some tea then? I had Mama Susie prepare a kettle of Darjeeling for you." Aaida had talked with the butler, who used to work with Zaeem before. He had told her all about Zaeem's likes and dislikes.

Zaeem let out a loud sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Aaida. I'm tired."

That was all he said. Aaida felt her heart drop. She swallowed over the lump that had formed in her throat.

"I-I had your bed prepared for you. The sheets were changed and the pillows fluffed. I . . . I'll see you later then."

She watched as he headed up the stairs, not sparing her a single glance. Aaida dropped her gaze to her hands, nervously playing with her fingers. She had hoped they could enjoy a nice meal and a conversation. It would take time for Zaeem to look past who her mother was and accept her and she had been so confident that he would give her a chance. How wrong she had been . . .

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