➺Chapter Four

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^how I imagine Aaida. This woman is gorgeous Mashallah.

I've been getting quite a few messages about you guys wanting to meet me in person. I've already met a few of my awesome readers and I'm really flattered. If any of you live in Pakistan then shoot me a message and we can arrange something :)


Liam slammed his hands on the desk in front of him. "What the hell, Zaeem? What the hell? Have you lost your bloody mind, mate? Speaking to Aaida as if she were some common prostitute- what the bloody hell is wrong with you?"

Zaeem refused to answer him.

They were presently in Zaeem's study where Zaeem had insisted they would have the privacy they needed to discuss the matter at hand. Apparently, Liam had known his best friend too well and as soon as he'd caught glimpse of the veiled rage in Zaeem's eyes, he had figured something was terribly wrong. So he had followed the newlyweds and eavesdropped on a conversation he never hoped to hear again. And he had thought Zaeem and Aaida were happy! How delusional of him . . .

"You lied to me," Liam's voice now contained hurt. "You told me you married Aaida so you could move on from the past. How could you do that, mate? You've never lied to me before."

Zaeem released a sigh. Liam had him there. Liam and Zaeem had been brothers growing up and he was the one who helped Zaeem back on his feet. Zaeem felt guilty for hiding such a thing from him. Licking his bottom lip, he offered, "Things with Aaida are . . . complicated."

Liam arched a brow. "Complicated?" He echoed. "Oh okay. I get it now. You didn't tell me because you didn't want me to know you were practically raping the girl behind my back!"

Zaeem's eyes flashed red. "I did not rape her! She was given a complete choice over her actions and she entered this marriage and my bed willingly! I am paying her mother and brother a very large sum every month in return so don't you dare speak to me of rape!"

"Oh it's not rape," Liam glared at him. "You bought her."

Zaeem's gaze hardened and he looked away. He had the sudden urge to murder his best friend for the atrocities he was sprouting. "What I do with my wife is none of your business, Liam."

Liam's eyes displayed the hurt he felt at Zaeem's words. "Really, mate? I've always been there for you. You're the brother I never had. I just . . . I hate seeing you like this. You're so driven by hatred and revenge- that's not the real you, Zaeem. That's not the Zaeem who saved his mother from dying in poverty. That's not the Zaeem who Jabir left all of this to. Come on, man. Don't put Aaida through this. Don't put yourself through this. You're so much better than that."

Zaeem's solemn gaze met Liam's pleading one. Not sure how to respond, he moved towards the chair behind his desk and sat down. Taking a deep breath, he laced his fingers together and said, "Liam. I can't get over what happened. I see Aaida and I see her mother. Aaida is just like her. She only wants the money, Liam."

Liam's expression was one of disbelief. "You have got to be kidding me."

"I'm not," Zaeem denied. "She walks around this house like she owns it and even though I pay her mother and brother; she still makes sure they're given tea and their meals even after I forbade her."

"That is a bit over the top," Liam mumbled. He hated Aliya nearly as much as Zaeem did and Aaus had always been a pompous bastard with little to no name of his own. Learning that Aaida would continue to feed her family against Zaeem's wishes was certainly a turn in the plot. "Maybe Aliya threatens her to?"

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