➺Chapter Twelve

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Author's Note: Okay so a really awesome fan of mine, @_AquaDreams_ , suggested this dude^ as Zaeem and I think it's almost similar to the image I had in mind. Not COMPLETELY the Zaeem I'm going for but kinda accurate nonetheless. His name is Gui Fedrizzi (it took me a while to get that right and even then I had to Google him first!) and he's some Brazilian model. Thank you for suggesting him! You rock, girl. If anyone can think of someone for Aaida, that'd be great :)

Further updates on my life include my youngest uncle's wedding coming up which will be so much fun considering he's my best friend and we have a lot of stuff planned! I have a cousin's wedding a week before that so it'll be getting super hectic but I promise I won't forget to update. Furthermore, I have officially decided Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events is the best thing ever. I was so upset when I found out there wouldn't be a sequel to the movie but dang, this serial is so fun! Everyone should give it a shot even if you haven't read the series!

Aaaaand . . . now for the update!


When Aaida and Zaeem returned home, Mahra had already gone up for bed. They parted ways silently; Zaeem going up to take a shower and Aaida heading for the kitchen to heat up some food for them since they were both hungry. They ate in their room, in compatible silence. It was weird for them to jump from barely acquaintances to sudden lovers. Zaeem figured they would take it slowly. One step at a time. He had decided to move on from the past and that was the first and most major step. The others would come as he went along.

When Aaida was about to leave to change into her nightgown, Zaeem stopped her. He turned her to face him and then began undoing the buttons of her blouse. She blushed a bit, still not used to having him see her body. Zaeem kept a straight face as he pulled the flaps of her blouse apart and slid her sleeves off her shoulders. He flinched at the sight of her bruises and she realized what he was trying to do.

"I'm sorry," he whispered and she squeezed his hand in return.

Picking up the first aid kit resting on Aaida's bedside table, he maneuvered her to the sofa set by their French windows and sat her down. He popped open the lid of the kit and took out some healing cream. He squeezed the tube a bit to gather some on his fingertips and gently applied it to the bruises. Aaida stiffened at the sudden contact but she managed to keep from wriggling in pain. He continued to treat her wounds until he was satisfied, after which he helped her dress into her nightgown.

Aaida was surprised by the tenderness he showed her. It was a first for her and she couldn't help but revel in the attention he was paying her. She loved seeing this side of him- one he had always displayed with Mahra but never with her.

Later on, during the night when they were both in bed, Zaeem reached over and tucked her under his arm and Aaida felt utterly, completely . . . complete.

The next morning, Mahra was surprised to see them together at the dining table, sharing a pleasant breakfast. She kept her questions to herself though and drew up the conclusion that her son had finally started to let go of his past and begun to move forward. To say she was relieved was an understatement. In the past few days, she had realized what an amazing person Aaida really was and how unlike her mother she seemed to be. Mahra hated Aliya, yes, but she had come to accept her nemesis's daughter as her own. And she wouldn't have it any other way. After all, what better revenge then to steal her daughter and give her the luxury Aliya could no longer afford? Mahra knew Aliya was burning inside to see her daughter living such a comfortable life when she had been allotted a servant's quarter. The old hag deserved it.

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