➺Chapter Six

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^Zaeem Ibrahim, the main male protagonist



Many of you have been commenting that you want Aaida to become a sudden bada*s and stand up against Zaeem, blah blah blah. There's a few reasons why that's not gonna happen. I haven't been getting any flames but I'm going to clarify this so that you guys don't blow up on me when Aaida doesn't turn into Superwoman like you had hoped.

1- This story takes place in the early-mid 1900's. I'd hoped you guys had figured that out by their manner of speech and the lack of technology (no cell phones, TVs, laptops, etc.). This is not a story about twenty-first century women empowerment. This story takes place in a time when women respected and, to a great degree, submitted to their husbands.

2- Aaida is a lady of elite society. She is not brash or rude or loud. In those times, women were taught to be proper and "seen not heard". Aside from that, she's never had any friends and her family just plain sucked. So you can't blame her for being meek and naive. That's just how she was raised.

3- Zaeem is providing for Aaida's family. He's paying them and that's why Aaida is his wife. If she started refusing/back-talking him, then he would simple cut off their allowance, divorce her and they'd be on the streets. Aaida also knows that.

4- Why should Aaida not become a loud, rude, back-talking, "strong" female? Simple. Because she's my character and I could never imagine my darling Aaida as someone like that. You can't fight fire with fire. It just causes a storm of flames. And Aaida is not taking that approach. If she did, Zaeem wouldn't tolerate it and kick her out. Some of you seem to be forgetting that he dislikes her strongly and he isn't going to miraculously start loving her. That's just plain on fake.

5- No, Aaida will not become a hardhearted person overnight and make Zaeem grovel. That is literally every cliche werewolf story out there. Girl finds out popular slash playboy slash extremely hot alpha dude is mate. Girl loves him. Alpha dude is mean. Girl is heartbroken. Alpha dude realizes his mistake. Too late. Girl is suddenly a bada*s who no longer wants him. Alpha dude grovels. Drama, drama, drama. Ten kids later, they all lived happily ever after.

Not. Happening.

Aaida is going to stay her sweet, innocent, kindhearted self and Zaeem is the one who will either change or die. That just depends on my mood *evil smirk*

Hope that clears things up. Enjoy!


Zaeem took the next day off to spend time with his mother. Although his workload was huge and he couldn't really afford to take one off, he still did in order to please Mahra. They shared a lovely breakfast and then he took her for a tour around the mansion and stables. He showed her everything- their private lake, the stretch of trees surrounding their garden, the back and front yards, the patio- everything. He had made sure to renovate as much as he could because he didn't want his mother to see something from the past and be reminded of what had happened.

Mahra loved it all. She praised him and told him how much she loved him for giving back to her what she had lost. Zaeem was happy. Happy that she was once again the head of the household she had been cruelly pushed out of. He had fulfilled his promise to her. And now, they would have their revenge and it would be the perfect cherry on top.

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