➺Chapter Thirty-Five

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^ LOOK AT THAT GORGEOUS COVER lost48 MADE ME! I think it's perfect for the plot right now because Aaida and Zaeem are going to have to show their fierce side when going against Lord Usman and Azrael.

A/N: I decided it was high-time my beautiful followers got some recognition! You lovelies have stayed with me through thick and thin and these chapter is specially for you guys. It's a really light and fluffy chapter because Aaida and Zaeem deserve a break from all the enemies trying to rip them apart. Enjoy!

Chapter Thirty-Five

For the first time in quite a while, Aaida woke early in the morning to make breakfast for herself and Zaeem. She told the maids to take a day off and busied herself in the kitchen. Zayden was in his sling again, sucking away on his pacifier. Aaida found it absolutely adorable how his little cheeks wobbled as he gnawed on the rubber device. She couldn't resist the urge to pepper kisses on him every now and then. He giggled whenever she did so and she loved that cute rumble which went up in his chest.

"Morning," Zaeem mumbled as he entered the kitchen. For once, he wasn't dressed in a pristine, finely-ironed suit. He was wearing casual black sweatpants and a white t-shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. His hair was disheveled and his lime-green eyes still held sleep in them.

"Good morning," Aaida chirped in response, offering him her cheek. He planted a kiss on it and another on her mouth. The edges of Zaeem's lips lifted as he saw his son playing with the bow on Aaida's blouse and peering at her every now and then.

"Mama's so interesting, isn't she?" He said, rubbing his palm over Zayden's fluffy dark auburn hair. "She's so interesting I have to fight off every other man who meets her."

Aaida gave him a look and Zaeem grinned back. He undid the straps of the sling and took Zayden in his arms while Aaida turned her attention back to the eggs she was frying.

"Azrael called last night," Zaeem said, bouncing Zayden a bit to keep him happy. "One of the maids took his message. They've set the court date for next Monday. You have to give a statement, of course. There's going to be a press conference afterwards."

Aaida furrowed her eyebrows. "A press conference?"

"A few prominent journalists and news reporters are going to be called to a hidden location that Azrael will decide. He'll let us know soon. It has to be secured because your identity will be revealed to the world for the first time and we don't know how it'll go."

Aaida nodded.

"I'll be with you."

Her heart eased.

"People are going to accuse you of a lot of things, including acquiring a false identity. Azrael said he'd handle it all. He's also going to give you a list of things you have to say during the conference and subjects you are supposed to avoid."

Aaida flipped the eggs onto a plate and set the spatula down before facing him. "Zaeem?"


"What will we do about Aya?"

He gave her a sideways glance before shrugging. "If Azrael knows that you went there, he isn't letting on."

Aaida bit her bottom lip. "Can I go again?"

Zaeem narrowed his eyes. "Is that a rhetorical question?"

"Not really," she said sheepishly. "It's just, she was so lonely yesterday and I thought it was horrible when you wouldn't talk to me and how would she feel considering Azrael doesn't even come to her and her children are rather far away?"

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