➺Chapter Thirty-Six

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THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER WAS A PRIVATE, FOLLOWERS' ONLY CHAPTER. For instructions on how to view it, read the top note in Chapter Thirty-Four.

A/N: That picture just gives me such Aaida-esque vibes. I'm loving it so much. The hair would be a darker shade of maroon and she's a little older here in this picture than the real Aaida actually is but I think it gives off the historical vibe quite nicely. And she has a book too! And we all know Aaida's favorite place in the house is the library.

 And she has a book too! And we all know Aaida's favorite place in the house is the library

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➺Chapter Thirty-Six

On Sunday night, Azrael paid them a visit. Although Aaida had not been permitted to see Aya again, Zaeem had eventually relented to her calling her every now and then. Aya had another week to stay in the hospital since Khunais was premature and had to have special care. Aaida hoped she would be able to convince Zaeem to let her visit one more time.

It was late into the evening when Azrael waltzed into the house. Like always, he didn't bother knocking and refused to listen to the butler who tried to stop him. Zaeem and Aaida were in the living room, discussing the following day's court details that Talal had sent. Zayden was fast asleep. Aaida, thankfully, had a scarf wrapped loosely around her head.

"You don't just walk into someone's house," Zaeem growled at Azrael who looked rather pleased with himself. Zaeem pushed Aaida behind him, buying her enough time to wrap her scarf up.

"Oh please," Azrael waved a hand nonchalantly. "It's not like I haven't seen her before."

Zaeem clenched his jaw in annoyance. "Besides the point. Why are you even here? Talal already sent us everything we need to know."

"He sent you what I wanted him to send you," Azrael took a seat on the sofa. "He didn't send you everything. For instance, do you-" he glanced at Aaida, "-even know how to handle a full courtroom? The judge and jury are of my choosing but I had to compromise by selecting those who are fairly neutral between Usman and me. That is-"

"What do you mean by fairly neutral?" Zaeem cut in.

"They bow to me," Azrael smirked. "The world doesn't need to know that though. Now, like I was saying-"

"How will Lord Usman just accept a judge and jury that-"

Azrael glared at him. "Stop interrupting me, you lowlife commoner."

"Azrael," Aaida spoke up disapprovingly. Azrael clamped his mouth shut and huffed like a small child.

"Why must he chaperone us?"

"I'm not leaving my wife alone at night with the likes of you," Zaeem shot back.

"The likes of me?" Azrael laughed mockingly. "A King with superior blood?"

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