➺Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Two days had passed by since Azrael had talked with Lord Usman and he had yet to receive a response. He had sent Lena to their house for tea and she had informed him that there hadn't been much conversation but Mustafa had shown a definite interest in her. Lena had not been informed of the complete plan. She only knew about the proposal and with the idea of going from being the previous King's illegitimate child with no title to the only Lady of the country, she was more than enthusiastic to do Azrael's bidding.

Now Azrael and Zaeem sat, a heavy silence settled over them. Neither of them had much to say. Azrael had thought that Lord Usman would've replied much sooner but he was sorely mistaken. And Zaeem was tense because he could feel the plan collapsing around them.

"We need a backup plan," Azrael said finally. "We're underestimating Usman."

Zaeem glared at him. "Oh really?" He mocked.

"Please do not pretend to be concerned," Azrael narrowed his gaze. "I was the one who thought of the previous idea. You have been of no help and-"

Zaeem's eyes flashed red. "Give me the damn army and I'll show you concern."

"I cannot do that. I offer you hidden aid only. We've already been through this."

"What secrets does Lord Usman know which you're so cautious about?"

"All secrets are meant to be cautious about," Azrael smiled wickedly. "And if I were to tell you, that wouldn't be too cautious of me, right?"

Zaeem had learned to hate this man with the same ferocity he'd hated his father.

"You can only shut out the truth for so long," Zaeem said off-handedly. But what he said was right. If Azrael ever made him the Lord, like he'd said, Zaeem would take much pleasure in revealing every dirty secret this King concealed.

"Once I have Lord Usman's head in my hands, there won't be a need to shut them out anymore. They'll be sealed forever. Which is why, for me to aid you, you have to help me too. A bargain. Your son and my secrets."

The man was too sly for his own good. Zaeem straightened up, ready to take him on and press him for the information he wanted. A knock on the door stopped him. They both turned from where they sat, in the same room Azrael had revealed the truth about Zaeem's son, and saw a maid standing at the door.

"His Excellency's messenger dropped this letter, your Majesty," she said meekly, a brilliant blush on her cheeks. Zaeem arched a brow at her bashful behavior. Before he could ponder on it, Azrael waved her over and took the envelope from the tray she offered it in. With another wave, he dismissed her. One look at Azrael's gaze and Zaeem knew.

"You have four illegitimate children, don't you?"

"I do," Azrael responded with a frown, pausing from opening the letter.

"I can see why." Zaeem gestured towards the door where the maid had walked out of.

A self-satisfied smirk spread on Azrael's face. "I love playing with the younger ones. They're so easily persuaded. The only reason why I never hire old women to serve me. They don't have any sexual desire left in them and most often than not, they've already been bought. There is no one more loyal and dependable than an ancient lady. So I stick the young maids. Virgins. Who fall into my palms with a single glance."

Zaeem rolled his eyes. "You're disgusting. I feel sorry for Queen Aria."

"Do you now?" Azrael looked amused. "You can have her if you want. Unlike you, I have no qualms in sharing my wife."

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