➺Chapter Two

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After the dinner fiasco, Aaida shared her meal with Susie again. Susie cleaned up afterwards while Aaida went to pray. Night had fallen and Zaeem was in his study, working away. Aaida, not having anything else to do, ventured to the library to grab a nice novel to read.

She went up to the second floor where their bedroom was. Upon entering she saw that the bed had been made again and the room was spotless as usual. Zaeem had the interior changed because he would not sleep in the same bed his father and stepmother had. Everything had been taken away, from the wallpaper to the chandelier and the silken curtains. Now the room was less cluttered with finer furniture and richer cloth decorating it. Zaeem had begun renovations on the other parts of the Manor as well simply because he could.

From what Aaida knew, her stepfather had owned a total of four estates and three apartments in the richest countries of the world. Along with those, he had two stables and a summer house which Aaida knew her mother had loved going to. The chain of restaurants and factories had been transferred to Zaeem's mother's name. And the main family business which dealt with a line of architectural firms had been merged with Zaeem's own.

Aaida had never taken interest in her stepfather's businesses and properties. She had a roof over her head and that was all that mattered. She knew Aaus had thought he would inherit the chain of restaurants and she knew how upset her brother was now. She only hoped he would find a job soon.

Aaida walked over to the large bed, making her way to her side. She had already used the washroom and changed into her nightgown, knowing she wouldn't be able to get up again once she was buried in the warmth of the sheets. She climbed on top of the bed and pulled the covers up. Settling down, she flipped open the novel she had brought and began to read.

She was engrossed in her reading and didn't realize how fast time had flown by. The door to the room opened and Aaida looked up. Zaeem stepped inside while unbuttoning his shirt. He appeared worn out and Aaida wondered how hard he had been working. Zaeem seemed to know she was there and he locked the door behind him before heading off to the en suite washroom.

Aaida felt her heartbeat quicken slightly and she couldn't control the tremble of her hands. Squeezing her eyes shut, she took a deep breath and closed her novel. She gathered all her willpower and then opened her eyes to set the book on her bedside table. Glancing over, she made sure Zaeem's pillow was fluffed and his side of the covers made. She had found out that he hated sleeping on an untidy bed.

The door to the washroom opened and Zaeem emerged. Aaida flicked on her table lamp just as Zaeem turned off the bedroom lights. She felt the bed dip under his weight.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you earlier," she said.

He didn't respond.

Instead, she felt his lips capture hers as he shoved her back against the headboard of the bed. His hands went up to weave through her hair as he pushed her closer, moving his mouth against hers in an enticing manner. Aaida reached up to wrap her arms around his neck just as he dropped his hand to undo the strings of her nightgown.

Like the previous night, he contented her as well as himself. It was past midnight when he was satisfied and allowed her to sleep. Aaida tried to ignore the pleasant tingle in between her legs as she pulled the covers closer and turned on her side. She could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck and his arm around her bare waist. She closed her eyes, releasing a small sigh of satisfaction. At least Zaeem didn't deny her closeness during the night.

The next morning, Aaida woke to an empty bed. She bathed and changed into a lavender full-length dress. Once down, she found out from Susie that Zaeem had left earlier for work. Susie was in an exceptionally good mood. She had the counters covered with ingredients.

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