➺Chapter Three

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A/N: Wow, you guys are really enjoying this story huh? Is it how cliche it is or its uniqueness among my works? Don't forget to leave your thoughts!


There were ten guests in total- five men and their respective partners. When Aaida stepped into the main living room, all eyes snapped to her. She felt her cheeks burn under their scrutinizing gazes. The men all wore tuxedos and looked rather formal while the women were dressed in silken gowns with up-dos and expensive jewels decorating their skin. Aaida suddenly felt very out of place. The only jewelry she wore were her wedding, promise and engagement rings. Zaeem and she had not had a proper engagement but he had put a ring on her the day of his father's funeral. The rings were bigger than she would've preferred but they showed she was a married woman and she had not taken them off since the day he had put them on her.


Aaida was surprised to hear the familiar voice. Her heartbeat eased in her chest as she saw a man make his way to her. He had blonde hair, sleeked back, and mirthful blue eyes against his tanned skin.

"It's been so long," he said as he reached her.

Aaida felt a smile appear on her face. "Mr. Liam. I did not expect to see you here. How are you?"

"So much better now," he winked and gave her a boyish grin. "I'd heard my dear old friend got married to you but seeing you now- oh, how I wish I had gotten to you sooner!"

Aaida laughed. Liam had always teased her. He was like an elder brother to her, more so than Aaus. His father had been Jabir's oldest business partner and Aaida had heard Liam was close friends with Zaeem since they had grown up together before Zaeem and his mother left. Even after, it seemed, they had kept in touch.

Zaeem appeared by Liam's side and Aaida could tell he was not amused. She took a step back, putting some distance between herself and the blonde. Liam noticed and he glanced back at Zaeem. His smile was soon replaced with a frown as he realized Zaeem looked very annoyed.

"I see you know my wife," Zaeem said and Aaida could sense the undertone in his voice.

"Of course," Liam smiled brightly in hopes of dissipating the tense atmosphere. "We met at dinner parties that Jabir used to hold. She and I were the only ones uninterested in dancing and making small talk."

Zaeem gave him a curt nod and then looped an arm around Aaida's waist. "I should introduce you to the others," he said and whisked her away, leaving Liam to wonder where he had gone wrong.

Zaeem led her to each person and Aaida greeted them. The ladies were polite and so were the men. They asked her how she was and how married life was treating her. Apart from that, Aaida could see they didn't wish to have much conversation with her. And why would they when she didn't know any of the latest celebrity gossip or all-the-rage scandals.

One of the men pulled Zaeem aside to discuss business with him and Aaida was left alone once again. But not for long. Liam, seeing she was unoccupied, rushed back to her side to entertain her with his loony jokes and teases. Aaida was relieved he was there. She didn't wish to spend her entire evening in a corner with only a glass of orange juice to keep her company.

"How's life with Zaeem?" Liam asked while he swirled his glass of bourbon. Although they had served alcoholic beverages, Aaida had found with great relief that Zaeem had never consumed any. For that, she was grateful.

"It's good," Aaida lied easily.

"I heard you were unable to go on a honeymoon since Zaeem was busy sorting out his inheritance."

Aaida nodded. "Yes, that's true. Perhaps when he's not so burdened with work we can go on one." She wouldn't let on that this marriage was not one of roses and loving glances. It was obvious that Liam was deluded into thinking the young newlyweds were happy with one another.

"You should come to my private island," Liam offered. "I know Jabir was interested in buying one too but never went through with it. This will be the perfect chance for you two to spend some quality time together and then maybe buy one of your own as a personal getaway when the babies come along."

Aaida felt her cheeks flame at the mention of babies. That was twice in one day. Liam, sensing her embarrassment, let out a low chuckle and patted her head fondly. "All in good time, milady. Zaeem may be difficult to handle but he's a wonderful gentleman underneath all that resentment. I mean, after what Aliya did to him," Liam's smile dropped to a frown, "Your mother always was the villain in Zaeem's story. Zaeem's a hard nut to crack but trust me, things will be all right."

She wondered how he knew the situation between her and Zaeem. She figured Zaeem had told him since they were so close.

She was lost in her thoughts when she felt an arm snake around her waist. She looked up, surprised to see Zaeem next to her. He did not seem pleased at all. Even more so then before.

"Mind if I borrow my wife, Liam?" His tone was clipped and curt.

Liam furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "Not at all."

Before Aaida could say anything, Zaeem practically dragged her out of the room. He grasped her wrist and pulled her towards the kitchen. Aaida felt fear seep into her. True Zaeem wasn't pleased. But that was an understatement. He was beyond outraged.

"Out," Zaeem snapped at the servants in the kitchen. They scurried to leave the room and once it was empty, Zaeem spun Aaida around and shoved her against the island, slamming his palms on either side of her. Aaida flinched at the anger in his gaze. What had gone wrong this time?

Zaeem's face was so close to hers, barely an inch away. His eyes narrowed on her. "What the hell was that?"

She tried to control the trembling of her body as she said, "W-what was what?"

"Don't give me that," he hissed, pushing further against her. Aaida bit back a cry as the cold marble dug into her lower back. "If you dare bring Liam into this sorry excuse of a marriage, I will strip you of everything you own and make you into a whore like your mother!"

Aaida couldn't control it anymore. She burst into shuddering sobs, her trembling hands flying up to muffle her gasp. "I-I didn't, Z-Zaeem. I- he was only trying to-to suggest h-honeymoon spots. I promise I didn't t-tell him a-anything. Please forgive me for m-making you mad. I didn't mean t-to."

A flash of guilt passed through Zaeem's gaze. Just as soon as it appeared, it was gone. His lips curled up in a sneer.

"Honeymoon spots, Aaida? Do you really think I would take a woman like you on a honeymoon? You are nothing to me. Nothing. As soon as I'm satisfied that Aliya has suffered enough, I will divorce you and you will be on the streets like you deserve." Zaeem's voice held so much hate. So much loathing.

Aaida lowered her head and did everything she could to contain the heart-wrenching sobs she was emitting. Zaeem was absolutely blind. Aliya wasn't the one suffering. Aaida was.

Satisfied that his warning had gotten across, Zaeem stepped back. "Don't talk to Liam ever again. Better yet, get out of my sight. I don't want to see you for the rest of the night. Am I understood?"

Aaida nodded feebly. Zaeem raked a hand through his hair and spun on his heel. He didn't want anything more to do with her at the moment. Her mere presence was frustrating him.

He was surprised to see Liam standing just outside the door, leaning against the wall. Liam's gaze found his and he pursed his lips into a thin line. There was no longer a glass of alcohol in his hands and he certainly had lost the mirth he had displayed earlier with Aaida. Unfolding his arms, he pushed off the wall.

"We need to talk."

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