➺Chapter Seven

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^Liam Westerhuls

You wanna know what's insane? I updated on Nov 12 then on Nov 23 and now, here I am, SEVEN days later with another chapter! Yay me! You guys are the sweetest fans ever so I simply HAD to update faster.

Oh and someone asked for a more detailed sex scene between Aaida and Zaeem in the previous chapter. Haha, if only I was comfortable writing stuff like that to THAT extreme. But nah. Gotta keep SOME pure, innocent element in their relationship. So nope, there won't be any explicit scenes! But there will be A LOT of mentions of it because hey, you gotta keep things steamy too! That part won't change because I love their intimacy.

I also just finished watching Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children and I cried my eyes out when I saw how big Asa Butterfield has gotten. Gosh I saw him in Nanny McPhee and decided if I ever had a kid, he'd better be that adorable. But dang he's so BIG now. And still totally adorable. You guys should definitely watch it.


In the middle of the night, Zaeem woke to an empty bed. He looked over, surprised to see Aaida wasn't there. He remembered falling asleep with her curled up next to him. She had drifted off almost instantly since he had worn her out. And now, she was nowhere to be seen.

Getting out of bed and tugging his slippers on, he headed out of the room. He wouldn't really care had it not been for the fact that he was feeling rather depraved again and he wanted to go for round three. He could hear faint voices coming from the bottom floor and he hastily climbed down the stairs. The kitchen lights were on and the backdoor was open. Zaeem stepped out quietly.

The servant quarters were silent except for the last one- where Aaus and his wife resided. Zaeem made his way to it and stopped when he saw his wife standing at the door. Aaus stood in front of her and Waliya was nowhere to be seen.

"-didn't know," Aaida was saying. "You should've told me earlier. I would've talked to him."

"He won't do anything, Aaida," Aaus growled out angrily. "He doesn't give a single hoot about us."

"But surely if we told him Waliya is pregnant, he would help you find a job," Aaida argued.

The little witch was pregnant? How surprising.

"He isn't like that. And he won't lift a finger to help us. Listen to me, Aaida. His mother is here and I talked to one of the maids. I know where she keeps the family jewels."

Zaeem's mouth fell open. Was he actually telling Aaida to steal from them?

"Aaus!" Aaida gasped. "How dare you think such a thing? I won't steal from Mahra! That's- that's- unimaginable!"

"We need the money, Aaida! In three weeks, Zaeem is going to divorce you anyway. We can take the jewels and run. It'll get us out of the country. Think about it. Without the jewels, you'll be on the streets."

"I'd rather be homeless, starved and filthy than a thief," Aaida said firmly. "Goodnight, Aaus. I don't wish to talk to you anymore on this topic."

Aaida pulled her nightgown closer and stepped away from the door. Aaus cursed after her as she walked away. Even though it was dark, Zaeem could see the tears glistening on her cheeks.

He waited for her by the backdoor. When she saw him, her eyes widened. She quickly wiped her cheeks and looked away.

"I heard that," he said simply.

"I'm sorry. I . . . Aaus means well. He just- he's not used to living like that so he suggested something so horrible. Please forgive him."

Why did she see the good in everyone? The world would take advantage of such naivety. Heck, it already had.

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