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Luke woke up to the sound of a distant voice screaming; he lazily opened one eye to see a women standing in the doorway of the room
he was currently inside of. his eyes shot open as he scrambled into a sitting position. where am I? he wondered. all of a sudden the women's voice was loud in his ears.

"do you hear me? it's time to get ready for school, why aren't you up yet?" Luke's brain was spinning with so many questions.

"where am, how, but I'm, what-" he continued stuttering out phrases before the women rolled her eyes and began to walk away. "wait, where's my dad?" she turned and gave him a funny look, one of confusion and annoyance.

"downstairs, if you don't hurry you won't be able to see anyone before you have to leave for school" with that she turned and walked out the door, leaving him to sit on the bed. Luke's body was shaking and his head was spinning. had I been kidnapped? who was that women? how did I get here?

Luke slowly got out of the bed and walked towards a shelf with clothes on it. he slipped on a pair of jeans and a grey sweatshirt and some black vans. the clothes fit well, even though none of them were his. he walked down the stairs to see the women standing in the kitchen.

"where's my dad? you said he was here?" Luke's voice was shaky and quiet, showing how nervous and scared he really was. she gave him another confused look before pointing to the table. a man sat at the end, playing a game on his phone, but he definitely wasn't Luke's father. but before he could protest she placed a backpack and keys in his hands and steered him out the door.

the front door slammed shut behind him and he had no choice but to walk down the steps and get into the only car sitting in the driveway. Luke sat in the driver's seat and felt his eyes water with tears, what was happening, who were those people?

His mind was racing but he decided that he might as well go to school, it was the only thing that made sense all morning. he put the key in the ignition and looked up into the rear view mirror to back out of the drive way. but the face staring back at him in the mirror wasn't his own.


Calum walked in the front doors of the school towards Michael and Ashton, who were standing by his locker. as he approached them they turned their attention towards him, but their smiles dropped.

"um, dude, why aren't you wearing your jersey?" Michaels frown deepened when Calum stared at him with a blank face.

"it's game day, we wear our jerseys on game day, we're wearing ours, you're not wearing yours" Ashton slowly explained while looking at Calum closely.

"shit, I forgot" now he frowned as calum picked at his grey sweatshirt.

"you never forget game day, what happened?" Michael pulled out his phone and texted rapidly as he waited for an answer.

"honestly, I don't really remember much from this morning. I don't remember getting dressed or anything." Calum scratched the back of his head as he tried to recall some memory of this morning, but he just came up with a blank. "I'll just drive back home and get my jersey. I'll be late to first period."

Ashton nodded and looked at something behind me. "Luke's coming." calum rolled his eyes and waved goodbye before walking off so he didn't have to talk to Luke yet.

Calum hopped in his car and drove quickly back to his house. he ran upstairs into his room and threw on his soccer jersey and grabbed his soccer bag that he also forgot and walked down the stairs.

"calum, what are you doing here?" his mum paused the movie she was watching to look at Calum as he answered.

"I forgot my jersey and stuff this morning so I came back for it" he shrugged and stood beside the couch she was sitting on.

"you forgot about a game day, are you alright?" calum chuckled and pushed his bangs out of his eyes.

"yeah I think so" she kept looking at him curiously as calum stood rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"you were acting really strange this morning; really jumpy and acting confused. and now you've forgotten a game day? are you sure you're all right?" Calum rolled his eyes and sighed loudly.

"yes mum, I'm fine. I'll see you at the game tonight, I have to get to class" he turned on his heels and walked down the hall and out the door.

Calum threw my soccer bag into the passenger seat of my car before sitting in the driver's seat and slamming the door shut. he huffed in annoyance at his mum; why couldn't she just see that he was fine? people forget things all the time, so what if he forgot he had a game today? just because he's never forgotten before doesn't mean he never could.

Calum turned my key and backed out of the driveway and started driving towards school. but as he was driving he made a detour and stopped at a McDonald's to get a quick breakfast since he was already late. Calum normally had breakfast in the morning, but he doesn't think he did today. he was doing something, he actually doesn't remember why he didn't have breakfast.

why can't I remember anything that happened this morning, and apparently I was acting weird? maybe I was just tired, yeah I'm just tired. calum thought, I'll remember later, but who cares if I don't? it's just one morning out of many, it's insignificant in the long scheme of things.

at least that's what he tried to tell himself as he ate his mcgriddle.


first chapter I feel like crying.

but yeah thoughts on Luke's pov? on calum not remembering anything?

leave love guys!!!

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