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"I'm never going to learn how to control it, this is a lost cause!" luke threw his hands up in fusturation. he paced back and forth in front of the couch in Ben's basement with his hands in his hair.

"well the first step is calming down a bit. you can't learn control when you're all riled up like this" Ben was sitting on the couch across from Luke.

"can you explain it to me again?" Luke collapsed on the couch beside Ben and rested his head on the back of the couch.

"your necklace is a light purple stone right? based on the amount of control you learn, the necklace will start turning a dark purple. when you've mastered control, the entire stone will turn dark purple"

"how can I learn control though?" Ben shoved Luke's back up off of the couch, forcing luke to stand.

"think about calum, think hard and make yourself jump. but not quite, get yourself the the edge and try to keep yourself from jumping"

luke listened to Ben's words and thought about calum. he thought about the boys fluffy curly hair, and his bright doe eyes. he thought about the way Calum always laughed at his jokes and how his skin was always warm to the touch. soon he started feeling cold all over and knew this was the beginning of his jump.

"now luke! hold yourself back from jumping!" luke shifted his focus from calum to his brothers words. he tried to pull his mind away from the force he created but it was impossible. Luke's vision went black and he opened his eyes while sitting in Calum's bedroom.

Ben rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers; Luke's jump instantly coming to an end and placing him back in his own body.

"what just happened?" Luke took a seat on the couch and held his head in his hands.

"you didn't control the jump, you let it control you. I ended it so it doesn't count"

"what do you mean you 'ended it?' and why doesn't it count?" Luke's face turned into a from as he questioned his brother.

"I ended it by stopping your jump, and jumpers only get 7 jumps before the deadly jump, and I made this one not count in the 7. how many jumps have you already done?"

"I've only jumped twice, so I have 5 jumps left"

Ben nodded, "and that's not alot of time to learn control"

luke looked up at Ben with a begging look on his face "help me"

"what do you think I've been doing? you have to do it, I can't make you, but in the meantime, I think you should stay away from calum for awhile"


"the more you're with him the easier it'll be to jump; it'll just be easier for both of you" luke sighed and stood up.

"I should head home" Ben nodded and opened the door for Luke to exit through.

"be safe luke" but the words were lost in Luke's jumbled mind.


C  A  L  U  M

calum was laying on his couch in his house watching TV when the doorbell rang. after waiting for any other family member to open the door, Calum slowly stood up and crossed the room to open it himself.

it revealed luke, who was hopping slightly from side to side because of the night chill.

"are you cold?" Calum asked sarcastically to luke, the latter rolling his eyes.

"I would be warmer if a certain someone would stop stealing all my beanies" luke pointed up to Calum's head, where Luke's gray beanie sat. Calum shrugged off the words and walked back into the living room towards the couch; leaving the door open for luke.

Luke followed shortly after and laid on the couch beside calum. he placed his head in Calum's neck and layed so they were chest to chest. Calum fondly rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around lukes waist so he wouldn't slide off.

"I swear you only want me for my cuddles" calum mumbled in a pretend annoyed tone, causing Luke to lean up.

"it's the only appealing thing about you" calum let go of Luke's waist and flicked his nose, causing the younger to lean forwards holding his nose. Luke leaning forward caused his and Calum's foreheads to connect painfully, and both of them to let out a long groan.

"thanks alot luke" calum grumbled, he now holding his head.

"it's your fault for flicking me" luke quietly argued back, staring fiercely into Calum's eyes.

before either if them knew it, the anger in their stares had turned passionate, and for calum, almost fond.

I love him so much, Calum thought, would I hurt anything if I just, just did 1 little thing...

before calum even processed it, he had leaned forward and placed Luke's lips on his own. he froze for a second, stuck with fear, before he felt the blonds lips move against his own.

this was the kiss calum had been dreaming of since middle school, the feeling of Luke's lips against his own was indescribable, and felt so right.

suddenly the moment was cut off by Luke ripped himself off of calum. he pulled away and scooted to the opposite end of the couch and looked down at his feet, his fingers on his lips.

"why did you do that?" Calum's heart broke at the sound of the words coming out of Luke's mouth. Calum looked down and shrugged his shoulders, causing Luke to sigh and stand up.

"that can never happen again, Calum. never again" now a frown made its way to Calum's face and he stood up also.

"why not? you kissed me back! you obviously wanted it too" luke shook his head and turned to walk towards the door. Calum started at him, heart pounding, before walking forward and turning him around by the shoulder before he left.

Calum didn't even know what to say, all of his emotions were piling up at once, and he could feel the tears stream down his face as the sound of his heart beat filled his ears.

Luke leaned forward and grabbed Calum's shoulders. "forget it ever happened" he spoke in a weird gravely voice and his eyes were no longer the sky blue calum loved, they were bright red.

the moment luke leaned back his eyes were sky blue once more and he turned and left through the front door.

and Calum was left standing at his house entrance, wondering why there were tear stains on his cheeks


I lost my outline for this and now I'm just winging it but maaaaaaajor foreshadowing was done here.

thoughts on Luke learning control?

in luke having to stay away from calum?

on Luke not listening and going to Calum's house anyway?

on the kiss???

on whatever tf happened after the kiss?

leave love guys!

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