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Luke woke up the next morning in his bed, his stomach was turning and his head was spinning as he ran up and emptied his stomach into the toilet bowl. after he finished he layed his head on the toilet seat, his head hurt too much to try to walk again.

a knock on the door felt like it was shattering Luke's skull with the volume and Luke called out a quiet "come in" just to get it to stop. the door opened and revealed Andy, Luke's dad.

"you partied a little too hard, huh?" he wore a smirk that was trying to hold back a laugh, and Luke rolled his eyes.

"I barely had one beer"

"one beer wouldn't have you this hangover" luke shrugged and closed his eyes again.

"alot of weird stuff happened, maybe I was drugged" Andy quickly walked over and sat on the floor beside Luke.

"drugs are a big deal, tell me what you remember" luke took a deep breath, and without opening his eyes began telling how he remembers the party last night:

"I was on the kitchen counter for a few hours, I was trying to finish my first beer. I noticed calum was drunk and dancing on the table across from me. I kept thinking about him falling and getting hurt and how she shouldn't be on there when my head started hurting. it felt like someone was hitting me in the head with a hammer, I swear. the I got kinda cold and the next thing I knew I was the one standing on the top of the table. Michael kept calling me calum for some reason, and when I looked up, I swear I saw myself sitting on the kitchen counter drinking my beer. I saw myself! that's the last thing I remember before waking up this morning"

Andy was silent, his brows were scrunched together as his eyes looked stormy. he hoisted Luke up and brought him to the couch in the living room. he made them breakfast and sat beside Luke as they ate in silence. Luke was almost finished his waffles when his dad finally spoke.

"do you remember you mum?" that was the last thing Luke thought he would ask.

"no, she died when I was a baby. I don't remember her at all, why?" Andy was silent again and Luke grew fusturated.

"you can't just not say anything after you said that, come on, what do you need to say?"

"your mum had this ability, she could jump. not like regular jumping, she could jump into people's minds. she would often jump into my mind and the feelings I got from it were the same symptoms you said you experienced" luke was shocked. jumping into people's minds?

"what does that mean, jumping into someone's mind?"

"quite literally, placing your brain into someone else's body. she would be able to see everything I could see and control my body. I would black out and have no memory of my body doing anything"

"so are you saying I might be a jumper too?" Luke sat up and ran his fingers through his blonde locks and his dad struggled to explain.

"maybe, I don't really know much about it. your mum was a jumper, not me. you can look through the stuff she left you, it's all in a box in the basement"

without another word Luke stood up and jogged down into the basement. the basement has never been Luke's favorite place; it's always dark and creepy, your typical scary basement. Luke turned on the flash from his phone and made his way down the creaky steps.

he quickly found the box of all of his mums stuff that they never open and picked it up and walked up the stairs and into his room. he set the box down on the floor and sat across from it. he could feel something, something strong coming from the box, it was making him not want to open it.

when he finally stopped being a wuss, he leaned up and pulled open the top flaps of the box. a rush of cold air hit him and forced him back. the air lasted for a few seconds but made Luke hesitant to search in it.

you have to see. Luke nodded to himself and stuck his hands in the box and pulled items out of it. there was nothing unordinary, just alot of books, some journals, and some pictures. Luke sighed and looked at the pictures first. they were mostly pictured of his dad, but he looked like he was in his early 20s.

"dad, when did you and mum meet?" Luke yelled down the stairs as he looked through more pictures of his dad at a young age.

"um, I was 27, I think" luke furrowed his brows in confusion; how did his mum take these pictures without even knowing him? Luke reached for the books and saw it was a book series. he grabbed the first in the series and opened the page.

all the pages were blacked out with black paint. on every page there would be about 2 or even words left while the rest was blacked out. it was a fpund poem. Luke scrambled to his desk and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and began writing the words from the book.


Luke continued to look through all of the other books and write down the words. he wrote them all out and soon he had alot of information.

1. jumps are not permanent
2. the jumper is in control of the jumps
3. the other has no memory of someone jumping into them
4. the more jumps, the longer they last
5. every 2 people share one quality no one else in the world has but those two: qualifies them as soulmates
6. jumpers only jump with their soulmates
7. the more you jump, the more dangerous the jumps become
8. effects are dizziness, nauseousness, cold spells
9. the other could with time jump into the jumpers body
10. jumpers must think about the other in order to jump
11. control is necessary - jumping could kill jumper and other

Luke stopped reading there. his head was spinning again and his body grew cold as he blacked out and woke up somewhere else.


sorry i didnt update for a while, leave love!

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