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he was lying across Michael's bed, while Michael and Ashton were leaning against the side of the bed playing a video game calum couldn't care less about.

"and I win again" Ashton calmly placed down his controller as Michael threw his down and stood up.

"you don't even like video games, how do you keep beating me?" Ashton rolled his eyes as he shrugged. Michael shook his head and looked over to see calum lying on his bed. he was doing something on his phone and smiling slightly, so naturally Michael had to see what he was doing.

"what are you so quiet cal?" Michael reached over and took Calum's phone right from his hands and looked at the him

"somethings been up with Luke, but I have no idea what. he hasn't talked to me since before the game on Friday" calum sat up and leaned his back against the headboard.

"he was kinda quiet at the party too, and he hasn't texted me or anything" Michael began to start another game while leaving calum to think more about Luke. soon enough he decided to go over Luke's house.

"I'm gonna go see him, bye guys" calum got up and walked out of Michael's door and started the walk towards Luke's house. he only lived a block away so he got there pretty quickly.

when he arrived, Andy opened the door for him and told him Luke was in the shower. Calum walked up to Luke's room, planning on waiting for him. when he entered Luke's room, waves of nostalgia hit him full force. Luke's room was a haven for him, a place where he knew someone was there to care about him.

he remembers jumping on Luke's bed until it broke when they were 8, and Luke crying about his idiot boyfriend in freshman year. all the cuddles and the video games played linger all over the room, and Calum wonders if Luke can remember it all as clearly as he can.

Calum walks around Luke's room for a bit, looking at nothing in particular, when he sees a notebook on Luke's desk. it's flipped open and it's a numbered list. it's hard to read Luke's scratchy handwriting, but Calum can make out the same word repeated over and over again: jump.

the book suddenly slams shut and ripped off the desk by Luke himself, who was still dripping wet and only had a towel wrapped around his waist. the volume of the slam of the notebook started calum, especially since he hadn't even heard Luke come in.

"what was that?" everything was still a little fuzzy for calum; he only really read a few words.

"it's really not your business" luke turned and carried the notebook with him into his closet while he toweled off and put on clothes.

"'not my business'?" Calum scoffed in response, "I came here to ask what has been bothering you and why you've been so quiet lately. why are you keeping secrets from me?"

Luke emerged from his closet wearing a white v neck and a pair of grey cotton sweatpants. he sat on his bed and ran a hand down his face.

"it's really not that simple, calum" Calum leaned against the desk in front of Luke and crossed his arms.

"I want to know"

"it's nothing, everything's fine. don't worry"

calum stared down at Luke harder and shook his head. "you know I don't believe that right? I know when somethings bothering you, all I'm asking is for you to let me in"

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