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C  A  L  U  M

calum stared at Michael in confusion. why is he calling me luke?

Calum ignored the stare Michael was giving him and stood up from the couch. "I'm gonna head to the bathroom, be back in a minute"

everything felt wierd to Calum, it was like his mind felt drunk and light but his body didn't. his eyes were seeing everything spin in a circle but his legs were walking in a perfectly straight line. Calum made it to the bathroom and flicked on the light. he didn't look at the mirror when he passed it, he just walked straight towards the toilet.

after he finished his business he walked over to the sink, while keeping his head down. he turned on the tap and washed his hands; noticing for a second that his hands look lighter than usual, but quickly brushed it off to his drunk mind.

the paper towels were placed high on the wall next to the mirror, so calum looked up and reached for them, catching his reflection in the mirror.

he saw Luke. he saw Luke's blonde curly hair, Luke's thick beard on his chin and Luke's broad shoulders. his sky blue eyes widened as he backed away from the mirror slowly. soon he was looking at a full body reflection and he was at a loss for words.

he turned as much as he can, looking at the body he had spent years memorizing. he checked out Luke's ass too, as it was one if his favorite parts of his body. he almost grabbed it, since he never had, but decided it would be weird since it was his body too.

Calum left the bathroom and walked back over to the couch where he saw Michael sitting and talking to someone else. the closer he got he saw that Michael was talking to himself, or his body. when he stood in front of the couch both pairs of eyes looked up at him quickly and stood up.

Calum looked into his own brown eyes and saw fear and uncertainty. "what the hell is going on?" Calum whispered harshly, before Luke grabbed his wrist and began leading his out of the house.

"we can't talk here, just respond when people call you Luke" on the way out the door multiple people called out luke and Calum's name in greetings, and both boys had to respond to the opposite name. when they finally left the house, luke pulled calum into his car and drove them back to his place.

Luke lead them up into his room and immediately started pulling out his mother's books and the list of rules to give to Calum. he reached up to tug on his necklace but faltered when he realized it was hanging around Calum's neck now. Luke turned and gave calum attached the books and began to explain everything he knew about the jumps to him.

Calum listened intently; his drunk brain becoming more and more sober as time went on. even after all the explanations, one question still lingered in his mind.

"but why me? why did you have to jump with me?" Luke's face turned pale and his ears burned. he looked down at the ground before answering.

"it's because we're soulmates" Luke's answer stunned calum, but made his heart race. for some reason he felt a rush of confidence as he looked at Luke.

"well, good"

"good? what's good?"

"that we're soulmates, I um, I love you Luke" now it was Calum's turn to put his head down and blush and for Luke to smirk and be confident.

"I know" Calum's head shot up with a look of confusion.

"was I that obvious?"

"well I mean it was pretty obvious when you kissed me today" now Calum was more confused than he had been all night.

"I never kissed you today, I never kissed you ever!"

"yes you did, I was at your house today and you kissed me"

"luke, i don't think that happened"

"i wish I could kiss you right now to refresh your memory, but it'll be weird to kiss myself" calum wouldn't help but laugh at the statement that Luke said before reminded him that they were still in each others bodies.

"how long does this usually last" calum gestured vaguely to his, or lukes body.

Luke shrugged, "it depends, the more I jump the longer they last. I have no idea how long this will last" calum nodded.

"can we go to sleep while we wait?" Luke nodded and began to pull back the comforter and tugging off his black jeans. he hopped under the covers and beckoned calum to follow him. Calum quickly followed his lead and joined him under the covers.

Calum turned to he was laying on his side facing luke. he reached over and tugged Luke's, well his, waist toward his and closed his eyes. Luke leaned towards him and breathed deeply.

"I love you"

"i love you too"


this is short and lame I'm sorry.

but hey thoughts on calum now being aware of the jumps?

them admitting their feelings???

next chapter will have more in depth about their relationship and about what they are gonna do about the jumps.

leave love!!

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