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Luke rolled his eyes as Michael told another corny joke that Ashton laughed a little to hard at. he was tapping his pencil eraser on his paper repeatedly, trying to get this mornings occurrence out of his head. just then the door opened and Calum walked in and sat at his desk.

the order they sat in was calum and Ashton at a table and then Luke and Michael right behind them. when Calum came in he sat in his seat, jersey now on, and began talking to Michael and Ashton, and Luke.

he began working on the biology worksheet they were supposed to turn in at the end of class, the one that none of the guys will do, and will ask Luke for the answers later (and he'll give then the answers because can't say no to them).

luke felt something weird so he looked up only to see Calum's eyes staring right at him. Luke gave him a crooked smile, only for him to smile back and turn his head and listen to what Michael was saying. luke rolled his eyes and sighed.

being best friends with Calum had its downsides for sure. Calum could practically read him like a book so it makes keeping secrets from him really hard. it's a miracle that Calum hasn't figured out about lukes massive crush on him since the 7th grade.

the bell rings and signals the end of the last period of the day. all the boys head towards the locker room to change into their practice jerseys so they could practice before their game tonight.

Michael and Ashton could see that Luke and Calum were a little off throughout the practice. Calum was this season's captain, everyone expected him to play the best and normally he does. but today it was easy to see that he wasn't playing his best.

Luke wasn't a star player by any means, but he was pretty good, and today he was terrible. every time he tried to kick the ball into the goal he missed, and he was so fusturated.

he couldn't get him mind off this morning, it left a bad feeling in his stomach. all that was running through his mind was the confusion he felt this morning waking up in a foreign place. he needed to talk to his actual dad today, he needed an explanation.


after they won the game, and alot of sweaty and dirty team hugs, Michael held the trophy they just won and raised it above his head.

"party at my place!" he hollered, while every other guy on the team yelled with him and began leaving to go towards the locker room. Luke rolled his eyes and grabbed the back of Michael's shirt before he could leave to the locker rooms too.

"could you drop me off before you go host you stupid party?" Luke frowned when Michael shook his head no.

"sorry bud, I've got to buy some beer for the party, why don't you just stay with us?"

"I'm really not in the mood to party Michael, and you're my ride home"

"well I guess you're walking or coming with me" Michael began walking backwards while still looking at Luke with his eyebrows raised, waiting for him to take the offer. Luke tipped his head back and scrunched up his eyes before nodding and following Michael into the locker room.

after opening the doors he was greeted with loud talking, and with the echoing of the room, there was no way for Luke to not hear it. he made his way to his locker and saw that Calum was the culprit. he was leaning against a a locker a few away from Luke's and standing only with a towel wrapped around his waist, and his hair damp.

Luke pulled off his jersey and his shorts and just pulled on a pair of jeans and a tank, he was just going to get sweaty at the party later, so there's no point in showering now. he did towel dry his hair and without even realizing it, he quickly became to only person in the locker aside from calum and Michael.

the silence was tense, luke could feel calum staring at him with a look that he couldn't handle seeing. but as usual Luke is an idiot.

Luke looked up to see exactly what he thought, a stone faced calum fully dressed and staring him down. Luke gave an awkward smile and waved a little. god, he was a dork.

"luke are you alright? you've been avoiding me and you have been acting wierd. what's up?" Luke sighed and adjusted the strap on his bag.

"I don't really know, but I don't want to talk about it"

"well could you stop ignoring me at least? it makes me feel like I did something wrong, unless I did...?"

Luke shook his head frantically, "no, you haven't done anything wrong. I just need to figure myself out"

Calum stared at luke for another second and nodded, then turned and began walking beside Luke and Michael. the three of them walked out of the locker room towards the only two cars left at the parking lot.

Luke harshly pulled open the door of the car and slammed it shut. Michael got in and started the engine.

"you alright?" Michael muttered as he drove down the road to the store.

"peachy" is all that was said on the whole car ride.


it was about 2 am, and Luke was sitting on top of the kitchen counter in Michael's house. he has been nursing one beer for some hours now and felt no need to get drunk, since he didn't want to be here in the first place.

the other teammates however, had no problem with drinking; seeing that Calum was standing on top of the table dancing wildly and Michael was bouncing off the walls with his drunk self.

Luke looked up at calum again and noticed how much he was wobbling and thought about how he should probably get down. he's gonna end up hurting himself and he's gonna be too drunk to notice. Luke tried looking away but all he could do was stare back at calum, like he was drawn to him.

suddenly Luke's head hurt. it felt like someone was beating the back of it with a hammer, and it forced Luke to close his eyes and hold his head. little did he know, Calum was doing the same thing on the table.

suddenly the pain stopped and Luke opened his eyes again. except he wasn't on the kitchen counter. he was standing on a table in the middle of the room. his teammates were all around him, yelling and calling, but Luke didn't pick out Calum's name.

Luke looked around, where was calum, he couldn't see him anymore. suddenly Michael grabbed Luke's arm.

"calum, you should get down" luke furrowed his eyebrows at Michael. why was he calling him calum?

Luke looked around the room, and his eyes landed on the kitchen. Luke saw himself sitting on the kitchen counter, nursing a beer, and looking utterly bored. but if I'm over there how can I be over here? what's going on? where did calum go?

Luke looked at Michael's face one last time before he blacked out.


this chapter is extra long, what do you guys think of it?

leave love!

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