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"so let me see if I got this right" Michael was pacing the length of Luke's bedroom the next afternoon. luke was lying on his bed massaging his temples and Ashton sat on the floor speechless.

"so you can do magic-"

"once again, I can't do magic. all I can do is jump" luke interrupted in monotone, officially regretting confiding in Michael about his jumps.

"-so you do magic, and you're inside of Calum's head! and now these books say you guys are soulmates?" Ashton stood up, walked over to Michael and gently guided him to sit down on the bed beside Luke.

"I really don't understand anything that's happened the past few days. and I never even thought about calum and I being soulmates, but I guess I should've."

"i thought you'd be happy, since you like calum and everything, to be his soulmate? what's the problem?" Ashton walked over to Luke's desk and grabbed the notebook with all the known facts of the jump on it.

"yeah, he has to like you back now", Michael pitched in.

"that's not how it works, soulmates don't always mean two people are compatible romantically. soulmates a are just people that belong together. I did some reading on it before you guys got here-" luke walked to his desk and read out of the book he had layed open, "'-soulmate level compatibility can come in many forms: romantic, or platonic. two people can be soulmates by only being best friends. soulmates have even been twins, since their souls were literally separated'"

"that's kinda gross, it sounds like incest" Ashton rolled his eyes at Michael's stupid response.

"I think everyone can see that you and Calum will be romantic soulmates. have you told him yet?" Luke shook his head quickly.

"no, and you guys can't either. if I tell him, there's a chance he'll be able to regain control of my body when we jump. that could hurt him and cause alot of problems we don't need" both of the boys nodded.

"how are you going to learn how to control it?" Michael inquired while Luke sighed and hung his head.

"I have no idea. the books didn't say anything on how" Michael and Ashton nodded.

"it's probably just willpower. like you want to have control, so you will" Ashton nodded at his own reasoning right before Micheal disagreed.

"I don't that that'll work here, luke has a small brain"

"well I've wanted control for a few days now and I still don't have it" luke ignored Michael's rude comment and focused on how helpful Ashton was being.

"maybe it's in a part of the books that you haven't read yet?" Ashton stood up and walked over to the cardboard box filled with Luke's mum's books.

"you can try and read them, they make my head hurt" luke stood up and walked out of his bedroom door and into the kitchen.

before he left he heard Michael faintly say, "I told he had a small brain." Luke rolled his eyes for the thirtieth time that afternoon as he reached into his fridge for a cheese stick.

he would be lying if he said the "jump" thing didn't scare him. he had Calum's life in the palm of his hand, and if he didn't learn how to control himself, they both could die. everyday it's become harder; normally he thought often about calum, but now that he knows they're soulmates, he can't get him off his mind. it's dangerous because connecting with Calum, or thinking about him, is something that triggers a jump. a jump he still doesn't have control over!

Luke walked back up the stairs, cheese stick in hand, right back into his room to see Ashton and Michael adding to the list of facts about the jump.

"I see why your head hurts, translating all this is a pain" Michael had his phone out and was translating words Ashton pointed to him from the book.

"what do you mean 'translate'? it's all in English mate" luke sat in the rolly chair at his desk and rolled over to where Ashton and Michael were sitting on his bed.

"no its not, these books are written in Greek" Luke's face scrunched in confusion before he reached over and snatched the book out of ashtons hands. ignore the whine of protest from him, luke skimmed over the book.

"this is English Ashton, not greek"

Ashton pulled out his phone and typed things in. a few minutes later auto played from his speakers, making Luke's ears perk up immediately.

"πόσο χρονών είσαι"

luke responded right away: "δεκαοκτώ ετών"

luke faced contorted into one of shock as soon as the words left his mouth. michaels face looked impressed while ashtons mirrored his of confusion and shock.

"so you speak Greek now"

"that must be why your head hurts so much to read this, your brain is translating this into English before you even register that it's in greek" Michael jumped up and started pacing the room. "you can speak Greek, you can jump into people's minds, you can-"

"-kill me and Calum if I don't learn to control it in time. yeah I can do alot of stuff, except what really matters." luke ran his fingers through his hair, he's getting no closer to figuring out control.

" well I found out why your body still functions while you've jumped. apparently a part of your brain is still in your body, and that's controlling it. you can controll your body from Calum's body too" Ashton read from the list as he looked at luke.

"so now my brain not only isn't in my body, but it's split apart too?" Luke layed on his back, "this sucks"

"sorry Luke" Michael stood up and put on his shoes, causing Ashton to do the same.

"you're both leaving?"

"Michael has to go and he's my ride" Ashton shrugged and grabbed his jacket off the desk. "we'll see you later, right?"

Luke nodded and watched as Ashton and Michael exited his room and walked out the front door.

Luke's head felt heavy, and he wanted to nap. the last thing he remembers seeing is a framed family photo on his bedside table, a symbol of his broken home.


so alot happened in this chapter

thoughts on Luke speaking greek?

on how Luke's body can function even when he's jumped?

predictions on what happened to the rest of Luke's family?

leave love!

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