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L   U   K   E (suprise yall)

Luke had been lying on this beach for days now. the sand was all in his hair, his feet were dry from the saltwater, and he was starving. not only that, but his heart ached, it  sunset and brushed the sand from his hair and the back of his neck. he rolled his head from side to side to stretch out his neck when a voice made him freeze in place.

"my, you've grown" the voice made Luke's heart race with familiarity as he jumped into a standing position and turned around. standing a few feet in front of him was Liz. Luke felt his eyes water as she laughed and walked closer to him. Luke stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the women he hasn't seen since he was a kid.

"mum" he brokenly whispered into her hair as the tears streamed down his face. (1d af)

"come on now luke. we shouldn't waste the time we have blubbering about, right?" Liz leaned back and used her fingers to wipe the tears off of Luke's face. her thick accent rang through Luke's ears and almost started another wave of tears, but he held them back.

"we have so much to talk about, baby" luke sadly smiled until he heard another voice cough.

"nice job ignoring me, not like I'm your brother or anything" luke turned to see Jack standing a few feet away with his arms crossed and a playful grin on his face. Luke gasped and ran to hug jack, just as he hugged his mother.

"I missed you jack" luke squeezed Jack's torso as he felt jack shake with laughter.

"we should have a chat" jack pulled away, and he and Liz walked walked away together, causing Luke to trail behind.

"so, we've seen that your jumping?" Liz pointedly looked at Jack, who had the decency to look guilty.

"sorry about that, by the way" luke just rolled his eyes and nodded at his mother's question as they strolled down the shore.

"where am I? or, where are we?"

"all you need to think about right now is that boy you risked your life for" luke looked over at jack who nodded at him, and a clear image of calum at his hospital bed appeared on his mind.

"he's your soulmate, and you have to choice to leave him behind, or go back to him"

"if I leave, can I be with you two?" Liz and Jack sighed together, and nodded.

"but you and him will be alone, do you want that?" Luke sat down on the sand like he was hours ago and put his head in his hands.

"I want to go back with Calum, I can't be without him" Liz smiled and leaned down to press a kiss to Luke's hairline. jack clasped a hand on Luke's shoulder as they both began walking down the shoreline. Luke looked up in panic, "wait, how do I go back?" he yelled, but Liz and Jack just got farther and farther away.

"take me back, I want to go back"


C   A   L   U   M

"he's been here for weeks Calum."

"i don't care, he's going to wake up. I know"

"there's no signs of him-"

"I don't care!" calum swung around to face Ben with anger in his eyes. "he will wake up Ben, I know it!" calum screamed with every once of strength left in him.

Ben nodded and opened the door to leave. "ok, just make sure you're thinking of what's best for him, not just for you"

calum shook his head and sat down on Luke's bed and pushed his limp hair out of his face. he ran his fingers down the length of Luke's face and began to trace the features. his pointy nose, acne covered cheeks, and thin lips; he was perfect to Calum.

Calum removed his hand and placed it back in his lap, only to hear a low scratchy voice speak. "don't stop, that felt nice"

Calum's eyes shot open as he saw Luke's ocean eyes. Calum wasted no time in leaning down and capturing Luke's lips with his own and resting his hands on the sides of his face.

"you're back, you're back. I've missed you so much" calum muttered in between kisses.

"I'm not going anywhere, never again"


this is the last chapter:(( thank you guys for supporting this. there will be an epilogue though!

leave love!

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