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Luke sat at his desk chair facing his bed. he was staring at a small brown package that sat on his bed. it looked like a parcel off of a movie; it was covered in brown paper, and had brown string wrapped into a bow over it. Andy had walked in and placed it on his bed not to long ago and said it was from his brother.

he hadn't specified which brother, luke knew he had two, but he had never met or heard from either of them. Andy said that when mum died they both left and he hasn't heard from either since. until now.

the parcel was mocking Luke, making his mind wander with scenarios. it was driving him crazy. he scooted to his bed and picked up the small package. the return address wasn't really an address at all, it just said one name: Ben.

Luke untied the string and unwrapped the paper to reveal a small box. he opened that to see a photo. Luke recognized one of the figures as himself when he was roughly 2 years old, the other man looked similar to what Luke looks like now. Luke was seated on the front porch and the older guy was leaning down and handing him something Luke couldn't see in the grainy old photo.

Luke turned the picture over to see some writing in black sharpie. the words read: I hope you can forgive me, I need to talk to you.

Luke sat in his chair in shock. this is the first piece of communication he's had with any of his brothers; he wasn't even aware that he had met Ben before he saw this photo.

Luke took out his phone and punched in the numbers. he stared at his phone for a bit before pushing the call button and listening the rings.

"hello?" the voice was gruff, but familiar. kinda like his dad's voice.

"this is Luke" Luke's voice was a little hesitant.

"luke? I really need to see you, I need to talk to you in person"

"when and where?" he wasn't in the mood for playing games; Luke wanted to talk and be done with it.

"my house is at the end of Patuxent road, it's the small blue one? and I'm free all day so anytime you want to come"

luke nodded even though he couldn't see him and hung up the phone. if Ben knew where he loved the whole time and lived nearby, why did it take him 15 years go contact Luke? he's been wanting to meet his brothers for some time now and now that it's happening, he's not sure he wants to.

Luke left his house and walked 3 blocks over to Patuxent road. he walked down to the end and saw a small blue house. assuming that was the house Ben was referring too, luke quickly walked up the steps and knocked on the door.

the door opened quickly, and it revealed a tall man with short cropped blonde hair and a thick light colored beard. he looked very similar to luke and he knew instantly.

"hi ben" luke pushed his hand into his pockets and leaned back a little. Ben just nodded and opened his door wide enough for Luke to enter.

"so how have you been?" Ben asked awkwardly as he shit the door behind Luke and led them over to the couch in the middle of the room.

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