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C  A  L  U  M

calum opened his eyes to find himself sitting in the passenger seat of Luke's car. Luke was driving down the street, bobbing his head to the music playing from the radio. Calum looked down and saw his school bag resting at his feet.

"why did we leave school?" Calum asked. Luke looked over briefly at calum and focused back on the road.

"last period ended about 20 minutes ago" luke flipped on his turn signal and turned down Calum's street.

"I don't remember leaving school, I don't remember anything" calum started breathing heavier, "the last thing I remember is being in 4th period, not in 5th or leaving school"

"hey hey hey", luke parked in front of Calum's house and turned to face him fully. "calm down, everything's fine"

"everything is not fine Luke! I have no memory of completing over half of my day, what is wrong with me?" Calum reached up and tugged on his hair in fustration. his breathing was still labored and Luke was getting nervous.

"calum I don't think it's a big deal, I think you just forgot now, you'll remember soon, okay?"

Calum felt his eyes fill with tears, "t-this isn't the fir-rst time t-though! I d-don't remember-r when I l-left your house a-a few d-days ag-go and w-why I wa-as suddenly ba-ack in your room-m, I d-don't rememb-ber at Michael's p-p-party, I don't remember getting r-ready b-before the g-game!"

luke could tell by Calum's mannerisms that he was having a panic attack. Luke leaned over and unbuckled calum and lifted him over the center console and put him in his lap. Luke held his hands in his own so he didn't scratch himself and rocked his back and forth in his lap.

"breath with me cal, in, out, in, out..." luke continued until calum had calmed his breathing patterns. Luke let go of his wrists and pushed his hair out of his face.

"are you feeling better babe?" Luke wipes Calum's tears off his face with his fingers and waited for calum to speak.

"I just feel crazy, like something is wrong with me" Calum's voice was soft and shaky.

"there's nothing wrong with you, I promise cal. being forgetful doesn't mean you're crazy" but Luke knew deep down that it was more than just being forgetful, and Calum did too.

"thanks for helping me with that; I thought my anxiety had gotten better, but I guess not" calum pushed himself up and back into the passenger seat.

there was a moment of silence before Luke restarted his car and pulled off from the curb in front of Calum's house. Calum looked back at Luke confused; he thought Luke was going to drop him off at home.

"I think we need something to cheer you up and get your mind off of everything, yeah?" Luke pulled into the parking lot of an ice cream parlor, making Calum smile with happiness.

the pair exited the car and entered the shop. they walked straight up to the counter and order what they would like (Luke got a vanilla cone and Calum got rocky road). they sat on the curb pit side and licked their respective cones in silence.

"how have you been feeling, I feel like I haven't asked you in awhile" luke asked calum as he finished his cone.

Calum, who still have alot of his cone left, shrugged and looked at the ground before answering, "I I guess? things have been really weird. like me not remembering things, I usually have a great memory, and I feel like my body isn't my body, ya know?"

to say Luke was confused was an understatement, "what do you mean your body isn't your body?"

Calum took another few licks before answering, "You know when you have a pair of shoes that you love and they fit just right, but you go and buy another pair in the same size and it feels off? like it's the same pair of shoes, but the feeling isn't the same? that's kinda what I mean"

luke was still confused, "You don't feel like your self you mean?"

"yeah, I feel like a week ago I woke up in someone else's body" Luke's blood ran cold at how true the statement was for him. a week ago, luke woke up in Calum's body.

"how are things with that guy you said you liked?" Calum's tried for his voice to be casual, but it came out a little strained.

"oh him? yeah uh, I've kinda given up. I don't think he likes me so I'm trying to let it go, it's just hard" calum reached over and swung his arm around Luke's shoulders and pulled Luke closer to him.

"fuck him" calum retorted with a chuckled, while Luke's face went bright red.

"yeah well, that was the goal" now Calum's face turned red and he tried to explain himself.

"no I meant 'fuck him' like who cares about him anyway? not in the literal way" Luke's laughter roared out and he leaned down to clutch his stomach.

Calum rolled his eyes and stood up. he held out a hand to help lift Luke up also, "Let's go back" luke nodded and they both started on the journey home.


this was a filler yikes. sorry I haven't updated in weeks, I had band camp and that was so tiring.

big things happening next chapter get ready

leave love!

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