Asking You On A Date

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You are back at the library reading Gone With The Wind. You have read it plenty of times but Ponyboy not only recommend it, he also gave it to you which meant a lot to you. You thought he was a really good guy and you enjoyed his company. You were reading when a note fell on your head. Since you were reading between two book shelves you thought it was probably a book mark someone forgot to grab out of a book. You opened it and read "Meet me in isle 5". That isle was the poetry isle, your and Ponyboy's favorite. You marked the page in your book and carried it with you and walked to isle 5. When you got to the isle you almost screamed but you didn't because you are in a library. Instead you gave a shocked look. You saw, standing before you, Ponyboy holding flowers and a sheet of paper.

"Hey, Y/N. I have been meaning to talk to you" He says

"Sure, you can talk to me about anything Pony" you say eager to know what he is going to say.

"I wrote a poem and I want you to be the first to hear"

"Okay, let's hear it" you say. He then recites a poem about a summer night sky and its beauty. You are amazed by the description in the poem. It was amazing. It took your breath away.

"I have a confession to make" he says after he is done reading his poem "The sky is a metaphor for you, you are the sky. This poem is about and for you." He says as he hands you the flowers and sheet of paper the poem was written on. "But I have one think to ask you. Will you go out with me?" You were then tearing up over all of the things that happened. You were happy.

"There is no way I could say no to you" you said hugging him.

You and Dally are at the dingo sharing a chocolate malt when some Socs walk in. They spot you and Dally and walk over to you two.

"Hey honey, what are you doing with this greasy trash?" One says as they then grab you. Dally is soon fighting 4 Socs, while the main one is trying to drag you outside. You then kicked him and bite him, trying to make him let you go and it works. You run to Dally. He then passes you a blade. The Socs soon run away and you hug Dally.

"Wow babe, your one tough chick!" He yells

"I have had to defend myself plenty of times with my ex."

"You don't have to worry about that anymore."

"Thanks to you"

"Hey I was wondering, would you like to hang out with me sometime?"

"Are you asking me out?"

"Yes I am. So is that a yes?"

"You really don't even need to ask that question because you know the answer is yes"

"You got me"

"No, you got me" You said as you hugged him.

You were at the park with Johnny since your parents kicked you out again. You and him were talking about how your parent don't care about you. You two sat in the grass lookin at the stars.

"I don't know, its just sometimes I think it would be easier for everyone if I was just dead." He admits to you

"No it wouldn't. Our parents may not love us like they should but if something were to happen to is they would care. Everyone has their faults, there's are not loving like they should." You say looking into his eyes. He smiles.

"This is why I like you. You always see the good not the bad, even if the good is hard to find."

"There's good in everything, you just got to find it"

"You dont have to look far to find the good in you, because that's all there is. And I have something I have been meaning to ask you. Will you go out with me."

"Funny, I have been meaning to ask you the same question but I dont have to anymore. I guess we both got our answer. And that answer is a I wouldn't want to do anything else if I could" he is shocked, and you kiss him on the cheek

You were at school in Language Arts. Two-Bit is also in your class which means you talk to each other a lot. Ever since the day you really met Two-Bit you had a secret crush on him but you weren't sure so you pushed that thought away. You catch Two looking at you so look back at him. He winks and you roll your eyes smiling. He then writes on a piece of paper and passes it to you. You open it and it says "meet me at my locker after class". Then you look at him and nod. Soon class is done and you head over to his locker. You were running to his locker because you saw him there and you didn't want to miss him, when a Soc trips you. You are about to land flat on your face when Two-Bit runs to catch you. You fall into his arms and you smile at him. He winks at you.

"I always knew you were falling for me" he says. You laugh. "Would you like to go out some time?" He asks. You look shocked. You never expected this out of Two-Bit.

"I would love to, and hopefully I won't fall again."

"Don't wory about it, I like catching you" he says as you two go to your next class holding hands.

You were at DX to get your usual, can of coke, and gummi bears. Soda was working the cash register since it was a Friday evening. He would get off a 6:25 and it was 6.

"Hey Soda"

"Hey Y/N, what do you need?"

"I'll take my usual"

"Okay that will be 65¢ please darling"

"I know" you said as you dug through your purse.

"You know what? I'll get it"

"No you don't hav-"

"I got it" he said already paying for it

"Thank you. What do I owe you?"

"Well I was actually wondering if you wanted to go out with me"

"Sodapop Curtis, are you asking me out on a date as more than friends?"

"Maybe.......So........what do you say?"

"Sure, I love to Soda"

"Okay, how about I pick you up in 25 minutes?"

"Sure" you kissed him on the cheek "See ya Pepsi-Cola" you said waving to him.

Darry was back working on the house and you two were very good friends. It was a hot summer day and you made cookie dough ice cream for both of you. You walked up on the ladder and sat on the roof eating ice cream. He wasn't paying attention when you shoved his ice cream in his face. He looked at you in shock and smiled.

"Oh your going to get it." He said laughing.

"You can't catch me ice cream man" you yelled getting up and running and giggling.

"If I do will you go out with me?"

"I'll go out with you either way"

"You will?"

"Ya, pick me up at 4 Darry" you said climbing down the ladder.

You were outside again working on your car but this time you had Steve with you. You were working above and he was under the car, so you decide to have a little fun.

"Steve!" You yelled making him jump.

"What, what's wrong!?" He asked getting out of under the car. You then whipped grease on his face.

"Nothing its just that I wanted you to look more like a greaser" you said laughing your head off. He laughed while rolling his eyes and whipped the grease off his face.

"That's horrible" he said still laughing

"I know"

"Hey Y/N what are you doing tomorrow?"

"I don't know, nothing I guess, why?"

"Wanna hang out with me and not work on the car?"

"Sure, a date?"

"Ya and I'll pick you up at 5"

"Okay see you then grease monkey" you said and you kiss his cheek.

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