Jealousy Plan {Dallas Imagine}

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A/N: Ahoy! This is a requested imagine for Gdayonedirection but in case you were wondering (which you weren't) this is written using Y/N!

I was at the Curtis house with Dally, my best friend. He has always been my best friend and always sticks up for me and protects me. Sometimes I feel like I want to be more than friends, actually I always feel that way, but I'm probably like a little sister to him since I'm sixteen. I really want to know if he likes me back. I mean I've heard from almost everybody that he does like me, but I don't really believe them.

"Hey, Y/N, do you wanna go get a coke at the DX? I'm buyin!" Dally said.

"Fine, let's go" I said rolling my eyes and getting up from the couch. "I can't pass up a free coke" we then went to the front door and headed to DX. Once we got there I saw Steve running the cash register and Soda outside. I went inside while Dally went over to talk to Soda. I grabbed two cokes and went over to Steve.

"Hey, Y/N. How are ya?"

"Good, Dally's paying for mine and his coke" I said putting both the cokes on the counter.

"Has Dally made a move yet or is he still being a coward?"

"Coward, I don't think he likes me. You guys got it all wrong, I guess"

"He does like you, he just doesn't know how to say it" I shook my head.

"Prove it Stevie" I said "if he likes me, prove it. Prove me wrong"

"I will, and speak of the devil" he said and then Soda and Dally came in. Steve then grabbed my hand to get my attention. He then mouthed "play along". I nodded

"Y/N, i've been meaning to ask you something. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I just love everything about you so I was wondering-" before he could finish Dally cut into our conversation.

"STEVE! WHAT THE HELL!?! YOU KNOW I LIKE HER AND I WAS JUST GOING TO ASK HER OUT BEFORE YOU DID A JACKASS MOVE AND WERE ABOUT TO BEAT ME TO IT-" Dally said about to jump over the counter and beat the living daylights out of Steve.

"Dally stop! Steve wasn't going to ask me out, he wanted to make you jealous so you would ask me out." I explained. Soda and Steve laughed there heads off while Dally turned a light shade of pink and looked at the ground. I lifted his chin up so he was facing me. "I like you too and I would love to go on a date with you." I said smiling. He then smiled too and he leaned in a kissed me. Boy did the butterflies in my stomach have a party. Once we pulled away I realized that Steve and Soda were cheering there heads off. I blushed a deep red.

"Don't you guys have work to do?" I asked smirking. Soda and Steve turned their grins into worried looks and ran back to there work stations. I then walked out of the DX holding Dally's hand. Well today went better than expected.

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