Fiery Lifegaurd {Ponyboy Imagine}

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Ponyboy's POV

I was at the pool with Two-Bit, Soda, Steve, and Dally. We were playing football and tackling each other when we got the whistle blown at us. This was very common since we were greasers and we played rough. We all looked at the life guard who blew the whistle and she blew me away. (Did you get that horrible pun?) She was beautiful. She was just sitting there reading a book and eating a sucker. She was pure beauty. Then I got cut out of my gaze when Dally whistled and swam over to her. Well I'm done. I got no chance with her now.

"Hey baby, wanna have some fun later?" Dally asked.

"No thanks Dallas Winston," she said not looking up from her book.

"Firery, I like it!" he said

"Dallas Winston, I am a life guard so I can not only blow my whistle at you I can also kick you out and ban you, so back off," she said calmly still not looking up from her book. She then played with her whistle.

"Fine," he said swimming away. The whole gang laughed. Then we got back to our game. Soda then tried tackling me but then the whistle blew again, from the same life guard.

"Too rough," she said still not looking away from her book. She must really love that book. Soda then went over to her. I guess it was his turn to flirt.

"Sorry about that, would you wanna go out sometime just you and me?"

"Sorry, you are really sweet and all but I'm more interested in the one you were tackling." She was loud enough so everyone in the gang could hear. I looked at her shocked. She finally looked away from her book and winked at me. Me? Freaking me? She likes me? No way.

"Me?" I asked pointing at myself

"Yes you," she said giggling. Oh my god her giggling was so cute! The boys all looked at me smirking. "Come here" she said. I did as she said and swam over to her. "Hi I'm Y/N" she said holding out her hand so I could shake it.

"I'm Ponyboy," I said shaking her hand. She then giggled.

"Cute name for a cute boy," she said. I blushed like crazy.


"You must also be a life guard?" She asked

"Actually no, why do you ask?"

"I don't know, you are just really good looking, and strong looking. I just guessed," she said blushing badly but I was too.

"Would you m-maybe wanna go out with m-me?" I asked

"I would love to Ponyboy,"

"Ok, how does tonight at 5 sound?"

"Sounds great," she said smiling. I did too and I couldn't get that smile off my face. I then started to swim back to the gang.

"Wait Ponyboy," she said


"You wanna talk during break?"


"Okay see you then, and have fun,"

"Yep," I then got back to the game and soon enough it was break. I was going to try to find Y/N but then I saw her. She and the other life guards were getting ready to jump of the diving board. She was first. She then turned around and did a back flip and then another into the water. Woah! She then got out of the water and grabbed her towel and grabbed, my hand.

"You are really good!" I said to her. She then kissed me on the cheek.

"Not half as good as you are hot" she said. Wait did she really just say that?! "I know I said we would talk but I have to work the cash register. Im really sorry but I'm really looking forward to our date." She then left me and ran to the cash register. Tonight I get a date with my dream girl.

 Tonight I get a date with my dream girl

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