Chapter Thirty-Seven: Spider-Man the Hero

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I had to get away from there. I was about the throw up at this awful sight of Harry with another girl. I guess that's how he felt when he saw me with Niall... All these negative thoughts were swimming around in my mind and making it cloudier than the alcohol already had it. I forced myslef to tear my eyes away from Harry and the red head and try and find the door. I mumbled apologizies to people I stumbled into in my haste. When I finally reached the door, I flung it open and ran out, just to be blocked by another body.

"Whoa! Sorry I didn't see you-- Hey are you okay?" The stranger asked as he steadied me.

"No. I mean yes, I am. I'm sorry. Excuse mee.." I slurred a little bit. I must have been a mess with my runny makeup from crying and just my appearence in general after drinking isn't good.

"Hey, are you planning on driving yourself home?" He stopped me as I tried to walk past him.

"Well yeah. The person I hitched a ride from is currently.... preocupied." I told him.

" Well here, I'll take you home. I was just coming in to tell my buddy that I was heading out anyway." He informed me.

"No offense, but I don't know you." I said bluntly. He chuckled.

"Fair enough. I'm Duke. Duke Adders. And you are?" He stuck out his hand for me to shake.

"Hanna. Hanna Sty-- Hanna Morris. My name is Hanna Morris." I stuttered as I shook his hand.

"Wow, you are a Carrie Underwood song. You don't even know your last name." He teased. I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what song he was talking about.

"Well it's getting late, I should get you home."

"What about your friend?"

"I'll just text him when I get in the car." He shrugged. I gave up and followed him to his car. He startled me by reaching into the pocket of my dress. I quickly relaxed when I realized he was just pulling out my car keys.

"I'll drive your car back to your house tomorrow or something." He smiled. I nodded as we finally reached his blue Honda civic. He opened the door for me and helped me inside, considering I was seeing two side mirrors on one side. As soon as I sat down I kicked off my heels and leaned my head back.

"Where do you live?" He asked me.

"Is it okay if we just drive for a while. There's someone at home I'd rather not see just yet." He nodded his head in understanding and didn't press the issue.

"Well, even though it's freezing, I can only think of one place to go when I'm upset."


"To the frozen yogurt shop."

He drove is to a tiny yogurt shop I didn't recognize, but after tasting the yogurt, would definitely have to try and remember.

"So do you like it?" He asked.

"I love it!" I exclaimed (still a little drunk) as I took a spoonful of my chocolate yogurt. He was right though, by the time we got out of there, we were even more frozen then we should have been in January.

"Onto your house then!" He said silly like. My smile quickly disappeared as I remembered the reason I was here with Duke.

"Do you want to go home?" He questioned. I shook my head no but I know I had no choice.

"You can stay at my place for the night." He offered. I quickly looked up at him with obvious doubt and panic in my eye.

"Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch and you can have the bed. Trust me, I'm not that kind of guy." He assured me. I thought it over in my head. I really didn't want to go home and face Harry or possibly hear him having sex with a girl through the wall while I try and sleep. Plus I had already made a bunch of stupid decisions tonight so why not one more to top it all off?

"That sounds great Duke. Thank you..." As he drove, I couldn't help but stare at his unique haircut and beautiful eyes.

"You look like Peter Parker." I blurted out.

"Toby McGuire?"

"No, the other one! Andrew something... I think it's the name of a cartoon cat."


"GARFIELD! That's it!" I exclaimed loudly, causing him to momentarily swerve.

"Sorry." I apologized. After only ten minutes we arrived at an apartment complex on the more expensive side of town. We parked in his designated parking spot and then made our way to the door. Luckily the apartment was only one floor up so that meant only one flight of stairs. Duke still had to end up carrying me up because it's hard enough to walk upstairs sober so when you add alcohol...

He unlocked the door and I couldn't help but smile as I walked in. The flat was small but cozy. There was an open kitchen that connected to the living room and then two doors that led to a bathroom and the bedroom. I yawned, suddenly overcome with a wave of fatigue.

"Here follow me, I'll get you something to wear." I followed him into the bedroom and he ruffled around in the dresser before pulling out a tee shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He left me
to change while going to make us a cuppa. The shirt wasn't too bad but I had to roll up the sweatpants several times so they would stay on my hips. I had just finished and sat on the bed when a knock came on the door.

"Come in!" Duke walked into the room with a mug of what smelled like lavender tea.

"Lavender helps calm the nerves and such. Or so I've read." He says handing me the cup. I take a deep breathe through the nose before tasting it.

"It's delicious." I tell him. He smiled, happy I liked it.

"Alright, well I'm going to hit the couch so... Goodnight Hanna Morris." He said as he closed the door before I could respond. I set the tea on the night table and tucked myself into the covers. I let the smell of lavender permeate the room and help me temporarily forget all my worries and lull me to sleep.

"Goodnight Duke Adders."

A/N yes it's short but don't complain because it was either this or wait till Friday. I'm super tired and worked through two tablets of Benadryl for you guys so please don't forget to vote/comment/share!!! I love you all and thank you!! <3 <3

P.S if you didn't know, Benadryl is an allergy medicine that makes you VERY tired VERY quickly.

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