Chapter Two: Moving In

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"Hanna.... Hanna...." I heard my name being called from somewhere close. I stupidly ignored it thinking I was still dream. I guess I didn't consider all options. It was quiet for a few moments before I heard the deafening sound of a bull horn near my head. I screamed and shot up to come face to face with my best friend.

"Reagan what the hell?!" I yelled groggily. My head was pounding and I was still in my dress from the wedding.

"Your mum told me before she left to make sure you were up before noon every day so here I am!" She said with a little too much enjoyment in her voice. I rolled my eyes and flopped back down on the bed.

"Bitch." I mumbled.

"Whore. Now come on! You have to get up! I already let you sleep in ten minutes. And I have to ask you something!" she pestered. I groaned internally and externally and sat up where Reagan was suddenly holding two Advil and a cup of water. I took it gratefully.

"Thanks. Now what's your questions?"

"Who's the hot guy on your couch?" I nearly spit out my water at the question. Then I remembered last night and how Harry had been too wasted to drive.

"Oh that's just Harry, my new step-brother as of last night. We both got really drunk last night, him more than I, and I couldn't make two trips so he just slept here last night." I explained. She nodded her head in understanding before pulling me up off the bed.

"Come on, you have to go wake up Harry! Today is the day you're supposed to move into his house right?" She asked remembering the tid bit of information I had shared with her a few days prior to the wedding.

"Oh yea, thats right. Okay, I'm going to go wake him up and then get in the shower." I told her. She gave herself a pat on the back that she had done her job, and then ran downstairs to what I assume was to get in her car and drive to her actual job at a shopping mall.

"Bye babe!" I heard her call out before I heard the door slam. I slowly made my way downstairs to a miraculously still sleeping Harry. I wasn't in the mood to be sweet and gentle like I was last night so I grabbed a nearby pillow and wacked him on his head with it.

"Ow! What the hell?!" he mumbled disoriented for a moment. Then he saw me and I guess he remembered everything.

"Good morning to you too princess." He said sarcasticly. I rolled my eyes as per usual.

"I'm going to get in the shower and then pack up a few things before putting it in the car and driving to your place. Today is the day we're supposed to move in together remember?" I asked when I saw another confused look flash across his face.

"Ya, ya, okay. Is it fine with you if I stay and shower here and then just help you pack and then on our way over to the house we stop by the reception hall and pick up my car?" Harry asked.

"Sounds like a plan. I'm going to go shower. You can use the one in the hall. I'll use the one in my mum's bathroom." He nodded and we both headed up the stairs. He stopped and made the turn into the hall bathroom while I continued to the end of the hall where my mum's room was located.

I didn't even want to look in the mirror, knowing that I would have racoon eyes and my hair would be dishevled. I slipped off all my clothes and got in the shower, enjoying the feeling of the warm water run down my back. I didn't get to enjoy it for long though because soon the warm water turned to cold water. I turned my faucet to the highest temperature it could go and it was still cold. Damn Harry, he took all the hot water. Still freezing, I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I looked around and realized I had forgoten clothes. Dang. Judging from the cold water, Harry was still in the shower so I decided to just run down the hall to my room.

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