Chapter Twenty-Five: To the Rescue

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A/N Okay guys I know this is so unprofessional and I'm sorry, but I found a context error in the story with Louis. In chapter twelve he said that him and El were high school sweethearts and then they had jobs and a place together yada yada yada but then later in the story I put Louis in school with Hanna.... Sooo if you don't mind just go back and reread the first part of chapter twelve where I changed his and Eleanor's history a bit. Thank you and so sorry again!


"Louis I don't understand why you can't just tell me!" I yelled at my boyfriend. He wouldn't be my boyfriend for long if he didn't give me a straight answer.

"Because it's none of your goddamn buisness Reagan!!" He yelled back at me.

"I think it's my buisness if your ex-girlfriend is calling you every day! Just tell me why she's calling you and this can all be over." I try to reason. He shook his head and started walking away.

"Don't walk away from me!" I grabbed his arm and tugged him back. If looks could kill, I would be viciously murdered; nevertheless, I held my ground.

"Please Louis, just tell me..." I begged. All the anger seemed to wash away from his eyes and turn into exhaustion. He sat down on his couch and put his head in his hands.

"If I tell you, you have to promise that you won't tell anyone. Not yet at least." He says looking at me. I've never heard him sound so serious and it worried me. I sat down on the couch next to him and took his hand in mine.

"I promise." I swore. He took another deep breathe before squeezing my hand and opening his mouth.

"Eleanor says that she has a child. With me."




"Are you shitting me?" I retorted.

"No, I'm not. She says that the reason why she left school was because she got pregnant with my child. But I mean, I'm not even sure if it's mine because one, I always used protection, and two she had sex with that other guy the night I caught her cheating. That's what all the phone calls have been about. I'm trying to get a paternity test done to see if she's telling the truth or not." He sighed. I suddenly felt so bad about getting on his case. He must be so stressed about all of this already and me being on him didn't help.

"Louis I'm so sorry." I apologized. He smiled and squeezed my hand.

"It's alright. I would want to know if I was in your shoes."

"So what will you do if it is your child?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know. That would make me a teen dad but I mean if it is mine then I can't just leave her alone with a child. It's partially my fault." He muttered shaking his head.

"Well, no matter what happens, I'm going to stick by you. I promise." I insisted.

"Really?" He beamed. His eyes lit up for the first time today.

"Of course. I'm not just going to abandon you. I could never do that." I assured him. He leaned over and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. I wasn't going to lie though, if he did have a kid with Eleanor, I wasn't going to be thrilled, but I couldn't leave him to deal with this by himself. I broke the kiss when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

"It's Harry.." I told Louis. He gave me a shrug and I slid my finger across the screen to answer it.

"Reagan?" He answered. His voice sounded panicked.

"Ya it's me. What's wrong?"

"It's Hanna. She said that she would be home by now but she's not. She's not answering her phone and she's not with Niall. I've searched everywhere for her. Do you have any idea where she could b-be?" He stammered.

"Have you checked the studio?"


"The park?"


"What about the clubs?"

"Ye-no. No I haven't. I'll go check them now. I'll call you if I find her. Thank's Reagan." He rushed and then hung up.


I tried dialing her mobile for the millionth time but just like before she didn't answer. God where could she be? I had already tried three different night clubs, none of which, she was at. I was beginning to lose hope. I parked my car in the lot of the fourth club. Just as I was about to walk through the door I heard a voice.

"Harry!!" It screamed. I immediately ran to where I thought I heard it. Sure enough as I rounded the corner, I saw Hanna struggling in the arms of a stranger trying to keep her quiet. When she saw me her eyes widened and I could've sworn I saw tears in her eyes.

I sprinted as fast as I could towards the man and punched him square in the jaw. I didn't really think that through because he was so surprised that he dropped Hanna on the ground. Before I could reach her, the asshole had tackle me to the ground. I quickly channeled the martial arts lessons I took as a kid and started viciously punching the guy.

"You son of a bitch!"


"How dare you-"




"Touch her!?" I kept hitting him even after he passed out. The only thing that made me stop was when I heard a whimper from behind me.

"Harry..." Hanna cried. I immediately turned my attention to her.

"What hurts Hanna?" I asked, not wanting to move her if something was broken.

"Nothing, I'm just so sleepy.. I can't moovve.." She slurred.

"No, Hanna come on you have to stay awake." I ordered as I picked her up and rushed her towards the car, leaving her assailant bloodied on the street. She was completely limp in my arms and I literally had to position her in the passenger seat.

"Hanna come on you have to stay awake." I urged as I saw her eyes start to close. I didn't know what that guy had given her, but I didn't want her to sleep until I had gotten her to a doctor.

I sped down the highway to the closest hospital, which ironically was the same hospital Niall had stayed in. I carried her in and a nurse was instantly at my side.

"What happened?" She asked as I set Hanna down on a gurney and the nurse checked her heart rate.

"I think a guy from a club drugged her. She's also been drinking." I had noticed when I carried her and could smell her breath.

"What are your names?" She asked as she started to wheel Hanna down a hallway.

"Harry and Hanna Styles." I said without thinking. She nodded and turned her attention to Hanna.

"Hanna? Sweetie can you hear me? Honey squeeze my hand if you can hear me." She told a seemingly unconscious Hanna. I saw her hand ever so slightly tighten around the nurse's fingers.

"That's good Hanna. Harry you'll have to wait out here. I'll come and get you as soon as I can." She said turning towards me before rushing into an area that said 'Authorized Personnel Only.'

I sat down in the nearly empty waiting room and leaned my head against the wall. She was going to be okay. She had to be. I decided it would probably be a good idea to call Reagan.

Reagan was furious. Not with me, but the fact that her friend had now been through two traumas of similar cases. She and Louis called the boys and within the hour they were all here with me waiting for news about Hanna.


Another cliffhanger! Shorter chapter, i know and I'm sorry but I was in a rush. Okay guys I'm about to get sappy for a sec. Well school starts tomorrow and I have to say I couldn't have asked for a better summer. I roadtripped to Idaho during which the only thing keeping me sane was writing this story. I was able to go to the One Direction concert last minute and get great seats. Just today my story went from 3k this morning to 9k right now and jumped 100 votes. Oh and I got a car today so that was really awesome. I really don't know what happened to make my story noticeable but I want to thank each and every one of you for every single read/vote/comment/share. It means so much and it made me so happy. Thank you :) IN OTHER NEWS please check out my best friend Sarah's story. It's a Niall fic and its called Boundaries by SarahPeabs. Thank you all again and don't forget to vote and comment what you thought and any ideas you have! I love you all and thank you again! <3

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