Chapter Sixty-Eight: I Care

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(A/N guys I just want to say I wrote this chapter tonight because I had serious writers block for the past two weeks. I also almost went to the ER the other day because my cramps got so bad I thought it was something serious. So keep that in mind and bear with me when you read the beginning of this chapter.)


"I can't decide whether I want to go with blue and white or coral and yellow for the color scheme. What do you think?" Reagan asked me over the phone.

"Shouldn't you be asking your fiancé this?" I questioned. I didn't mean to sound rude, I was just in a bad mood because my uterus was slaughtering itself.

"I did. He's no help because he says he likes both so he will be fine with whatever I pick. I need my bestfriends opinion please..." She begged.

"Alright, if I had to choose, I would go with the coral pallet."

"Perfect. I liked that one too."

"Then why did you need my opinion?"

"Because you're my bestfriend."

"Well I'm honored that I'm your bestfriend, but I have to go and check out the arena."

"I see how it is, choosing the arena over me." She joked.

"You know I have a job. I'll talk to you later though, I promise."

"Alright, we'll talk later. Bye bitch."

"Later whore."

After I hung up I lied down and groaned into a pillow. Why did being a girl have to be so painful?

"Hanna? You in here?" Harry's voice rang through the bus.

"Go away." I groaned. I lied to Reagan, I didn't have to go to the arena at the very moment, but I really just wanted to curl up in the bunk and wallow in my misery.

"Love, what's wrong?" He murmured, pulling the curtain away just a little so he could see my face. Or what was visible through my hair.

"Check the rubbish bin, you'll find out soon enough." I snapped.

"Oh, it's that time of the month again?" He asked.

"Yes." I mumbled into my pillow.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Do you have pain meds?" I moaned. He smiled.

"Of course. I'll be right back." He patted and kissed my hair before closing the bunk curtain again. I had about thirty seconds of silence before I heard a series of voices and footsteps loudly moving through the bus.

"Shhh!" Harry shushed.

"Hanna is trying to sleep." He hissed. The boys immediately quieted and retreated into the back part of the bus and closed the door. Soon after I heard Harry walk back towards me. He slowly opened the curtain and handed me a bottle of water and two Midol. I gladly took it and gulped it down.

"Scoot over." He instructed. I shimmied over against the side of the bunk as Harry climbed in and wrapped his arms around me.

"How did you even know we had Midol?" I asked him.

"Aqua left it on the bus a while ago."

"Oh. Well that's lucky."

"I know. I'm glad that we have an off day today. We can just stay in bed if you want." He suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea. I hope you don't mind though I'm going to try and sleep some-"

You had to go, I understand, but you promised you would be back again...

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