Chapter Forty-Eight: Spider-Man and His Partner in Crime

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A/N This is just a warning guys, this chapter is going to be a filler chapter, but it's going to be a filler chapter because the next two chapters will be filled with a shit load of drama, intensity, and emotion. Don't hate me. I'll leave it up to you to decide which to hate me for...


"Harry! Are you coming?" I asked, knocking on his bedroom door. We were supposed to leave ten minutes ago.

"Only if you make me." He said with a raspy voice and a cheeky wink. I rolled my eyes and forced a smile on my face. When he turned back around I checked the halls just to make sure Keith wasn't lurking. Then I remembered him and Gemma had gone out for lunch. I had been feeling so guilty lately. I felt guilty about not telling Harry what happened, but I felt even worse about not telling Gemma what kind of guy Keith was. And then when I was done feeling guilty about all that I would feel terrible for Gemma because she thinks shes having a kid with this loving guy when in reality he's a cheating asshole. Keith hadn't tried anything else with me alone, but sometimes in the hallway he would slap my butt which left me scurrying to find the comfort of Harry each time. I absolutely hated that I couldn't feel safe and relaxed in my own house.

"Ready love?" He inquired as he laced up his shoe.

"I've been ready Styles, where have you been? You took forever in the shower. It's a good thing I took mine before you because I would've run out of water! I thought guys were supposed to take shorter showers..." I mumbled.

"It just depends on what they're doing."

"What could they possibly be-- oh. Nevermind, lets go. We're already late and Duke is probably sitting at the restaurant waiting, questioning why he's even friends with us." I guessed. He probably wasn't doing that but we were going to get attitude since we were supposed to be meeting his boyfriend today. Harry and I had become really close to Duke despite our rough and awkward start, and he turned out to be a really cool friend. We both hopped in the car and started driving to meet Duke. On the way, Harry played me some new tracks him and his friends had recorded with his phone.

"So which one is your favorite?" He asked me as the last one ended.

"Hmm... It's tough because I really love both Alive and Little White Lies..." I pondered.

"I knew you would like those two."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well I've noticed you like music with kind of an edgy sound. Not edgy like Pierce the Veil (a/n great band, actually going to a concert with my sister) but just the more rock and roll kind of songs. But you're bipolar with music so you either like those or really soft Ed Sheeran kind of songs." I sat back completely in awe that he had even noticed this about me.

"How do you know me so well?"

"Hanna, we've lived alone in the same house for almost seven months. I've picked up on a few things."

"Well what else have you picked up on?" I pressed.

"Well, I know that when you're angry, you play According to You by Orianthi. When you shower you have to sing at least one song from the movie Burlesque. When you're nervous you start to bob your knee, but then I'm guessing you always worry it will annoy people so you settle for drumming your fingers lightly on your leg instead. I think the thing I've really noticed though is your smile. I know when you're faking it."

"How can you tell?" I asked suddenly worried.

"When you smile, I mean really smile, your nose scrunches up the slightest and one dimple appears on your right cheek. Not on the left though, always on the right."

"That's incredible how you know all that Haz." I remarked.

"You know what else is incredible?" He asked.


"Ever since that night I found Keith in your room, you haven't smiled for real. They've all been fake smiles." Whatever "fake" smile I had on at that point dropped as we pulled into the restaurant parking lot. He didn't seem mad, because he came around to open my door for me then held my hand as we walked inside. It's almost as if he was just saying 'I know, but I want you to say it first.' Which wasn't going to happen. Sorry. The waiter led us to a table where Duke and his boyfriend were already sitting.

"Peter!" I called out to him, using the partial nickname of Peter Parker that I had given him again due to his close resemblance to Andrew Garfield. His poor boyfriend looked confused... I'll explain to him after the introductions. We all greeted each other and then turned to Duke's company.

"Hanna, Harry, this is Nick Boman. Nick, this is Harry Styles and Hanna Morris." 

"It's very nice to meet you Nick." I said, offering out my hand. He looked so nervous the poor boy, so I tried to be as nice and polite as I could. He took my hand and shook it, returning my smile. 

"Likewise." His voice surprised me by being very deep. I'm not meaning that in a 'gays always have high voices' kind of way. Because that's not true. I was surprised because he was rather short for a guy. He was about 5'6" with dirty blonde kind of hair. You could tell it was dyed though because of the dark roots. It kind of reminded me of Niall's. 

"So this is the famous Nick. It's nice to finally meet you." Harry addressed him. Nick didn't seem as relaxed shaking Harry's hand as he did mine. 

"It's great to meet you Harry. I've heard a lot about you both." He informs us. 

"Good things I hope." Harry jokes. 

"No, all terrible." Nick retorts, picking up on the banter. 

"Well sit down, sit down!" Duke instructs. We all sit down and the interrogation begins. When Duke talked to us earlier, he explained that in the past he hadn't had good luck with guys, so he wanted a second and third opinion of his most recent choice. 

"So Nick, tell us about yourself." 

"Well, I was born in Germany but when I was ten we moved here to the UK. I got relatively good grades in high school and after I graduated I decided to go to study at the University of London. I'm currently studying to be a plastic surgeon." He told us. Harry frowned when Nick mentioned plastic surgery. 

"Why that?"

"Why what?" Nick asked confused. 

"Why study to be a plastic surgeon? I mean, out of all things."

"Oh, perhaps I should've explained more. I apologize I have a nasty habit of that. I want to be a plastic surgeon that specializes in helping burn victims." I smiled because that was one of the most amazing things I had ever heard. 

"Nick, that's a wonderful thing to do with your life! I hope your studies go well." I wished. 

"Thank you Hanna! Most people think it's weird that I'm going into plastic surgery but I guess once I explain they loosen up a bit." I chuckled and snuck a glance at Harry who was avoiding eye contact with everyone, obviously feeling bad. After a short silence the waiter came to take our order. Harry and I both got a shrimp gumbo while Duke and Nick shared a plate of spaghetti. It was cute really, they thought they could get away with it without Harry and I making Lady and the Tramp jokes the entire time.

"Hanna, shut up. Lord knows what kind of cute coupley stuff you and Harry do in public. We're simply sharing a plate of spaghetti." Harry and I were both silent knowing that we had never gotten that lovely opprotunity to be affectionate in public. The only time we could be ourselves is either when we were with Louis and Reagan, with Duke (and now Nick) since they didn't know about our step-sibiling status, and when we were alone. Duke seemed to notice he had struck an uncomfortable nerve, so he quickly changed the subject. At the end of lunch, Nick said he had to go to the bathroom, and Harry and I had a moment alone with Duke. 

"So what's the verdict?" He asked. Harry and I just to mess with him, leaned back in our chairs and whispered mumbles into each others ear to make it look like we were debating when in reality we already knew our answer. Finally after a loud sigh from Duke we stopped 'conferring' and faced him. 

"He seems like a nice guy Duke. You did good." Harry nodded approvingly. A huge smile spread across Duke's face and he gave us both high fives then himself a self five. That guy watches too much How I Met Your Mother.

Just kidding there is no such thing as too much of that show. 

A/N Did anyone watch 1D day? I was so sure I was only going to watch an hour and ended up watching 6 of them. Favorite parts: The workout video (only saw gifs but I'm looking it up later( and the Talk Dirty to Me video. So much sexiness it hurt. I want y'all to do something for me real quick. It's bold so please listen. I want y'all to leave comments with your favorite moment of Styles My Stepbrother so far. I'm honestly just pretty curious. Don't forget to prepare mentally for the next couple chapters!  Love you guys and thank you!! <3 <3

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