Beyond the Peripheral

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Somewhere someone is crying
Somewhere someone is dying
But you're reading this

You might have cried yesterday
You might have cried today
But you're not dead

And you may think that you'd rather be
All because you feel lonely
But you're not the only one

Why don't you find a smile on the face of a rain drop, tears of the sky
Why don't you find the light behind the dark clouds, blankets of the sky

Why don't you think of a time when you wore a real smile and hope that some day you will smile again.

And maybe you're smiling now.
Because you know that somehow
The opportunity for hope is everlasting. All you have to do is grasp it.

So that the next time you fall it won't really hurt at all. Maybe I'm lying. Maybe it will hurt. That's only if you let go of hope while falling.

But if you held on tight. You'll realize that the pain you felt was merely a mirage. A distraction to keep you from living with a passion.

We all want to stay alive but don't know how it feels to live. We're merely existing, having grown accustomed to the norms of society.

The purpose of my entity was not to be a puppet. And I advise the rest of you to cut the wires and strings. Step out of the box and unlock the locks.

The world beyond what meets the eye might come as a shock. Inside ones own mind is quite a scary place to be. But once you're there things might become more clear.

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