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A/n~ Hello loves almost to 100 views yayy! The votes and comments really mean a lot to me and as usual I appreciate any feedback negative or positive. Now this poem is kind of all over the place and speaks on some touchy topics so read at your own risk! Love you, bye. ❤

What is the cost of a forgotten dream
What's the price you pay for the desolation of a Queen
The ravaging of a child
The ruin of an innocent

It seems this world has forgotten us, them, and we.
In this society it's all about I and me.
I will not proclaim my innocence to the crime of ignorance.
I won't say I've never been inconsiderate.

In a starving world we all over look the most important of negligence.
We scream for freedom and peace when we are the prison wards.
How many lives does it take to make it all stop.
Free yourself.
Listen to the sound of a tree at night.
Listen for the music of the stars shining bright.

You don't make any sense.
Well wake up and decipher the message of my words.
Wake up and listen because I know it's not the first cry for help that you've heard.
Wake up and see what's right in front of you.
Your government is corrupt
Your neighbor's husband the cop is about to erupt.
Your brother the veteran can't afford a therapist for his PTSD.
Yet when you wake up all you can think about is a pot of coffee.

War is all around us.
We seem to have forgotten.
The realness of mental illness.
The realness of poverty.
The realness of crime.
We are all too comfortable and by the time you get the message.
It may be too late.

I don't believe in a higher power, I don't believe in fate.
Do you believe in the homeless who go without?
Do you believe in the homosexual who gets beaten for just walking about?
Do you believe in the mean girl who's actually suffering from abuse and anorexia?
Do you believe in the fat girl with an eating disorder and cuts on her inner wrists?
Do you believe in the kid who got bullied and now sits in prison because he killed your best friend, your teacher, and your sister. He had a mother and a father but they might as well have had no son.

It's when faced with these problems that we opt to run.
When faced, with hunger, disabilities, and bullying.
We say we care but it's not always dealt with fair.

Can someone please tell me why we can't love, eat, pray, and work together.

The lack of empathy.
The surplus of cruelty.
The confusion of wants and needs.
The lack of energy it takes to read.

Truth is no matter how many steps we take we can't fix the world but we sure as hell can try to make it a better place.

I really am tired.

Aren't you?

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