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I'm almost happy
Not every thought is dim
Except for when it comes to him
I want to see his smile again
I want to hear his stupid jokes
And the laugh that makes my heart drop
I want him to be the reason I smile again.
The reason I'm so happy
The reason my heart beat quickens
Not the reason I cry when I listen to that song
Not the reason my love is gone
Do you remember how much we loved
It's the reason I can't let you go

A/n~ Just a little something for the feels. I've been so caught up lately. Thanks to all who support! You are super duper appreciated! Btw the song above is the one refered to in the poem ugh I get the feels just thinking about it. Anywayy go read comment, share, vote! Also I don't mind reading anyone's work so just ask! Bye now loves

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