Just a thought

40 7 11

Hurting inside it doesn't take much to smile
To say something kind
But Perfection is impossible to find

I have more bad days than average
I'm always less than optimistic
I never say what i want to say
I'm careless yet considerate

It's hard to say no
I'm too nice
It's hard to let go

And I sit here and wonder why their happiness isn't enough
I can't imagine an honest smile
I fill my heart with endless possibilities
Dreams not bright enough to light my dark soul

I can't imagine a gentle caress
A gentle breeze in the leaves of a tree
Light patter of ants agianst the sand
The flutter of a butterfly's wings

My eyes are open but I just can't see
I don't know what's true
It hurts just to breathe
Marking my heart are permanent scars of defeat

I wish i heard the tune they danced to
I wish someone would take me

I'm burning on the inside
Itching under my skin
I just want to run
Until my feet are sore
And fears are no more

Maybe I've lost my imagination
I know that I've lost my soul
But a soul is hard to find
When your eyes are wide open and you just can't see

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