letter 06

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(Dedication goes to YeahHer because she's the cooliest.)

06 / letter to a stranger

Dear Stranger,

You don’t know me. Not personally, at least.

I wonder what you think of me when you first see me.

Do you see a girl with big green eyes and long curly hair, a girl who’s always smiling?

Do you believe my fake smiles? Or do you see right through me?

Do you see the pain I hold? Or all the troubles I carry?

Do you see my love for Oliver & Charles?

Do you see my hatred for heartless people?

Do you think badly of me because I reject everybody who tries to be my friend? Do you understand it’s because it’s hard for me to let people in?

Would you think I’m ungrateful because I always complain about the negative things in my life?

Sorry about that, I’m a pessimist.

Well, we don’t talk to each other, obviously.

And I don’t think that will change.

I’m not the friendliest person you’ll meet.

I hope you don’t take it the wrong way.

Maybe I should say hi to you.

I wonder what you would think of me.





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