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ELENA SLID A pin into her hair and sighed.

Tonight she wanted everything to be perfect. No calls for any jobs, no other distractions.

Just a nice drink with her friend... and neighbour.

Elena did admit that she thought he was a humourous guys and after his cheeks burnt red- an embarrassing one. It made her smile with joy.

Also for her, it was a slight improvement on the old neighbour. Who, let's just say was much louder than Tom. So, she was definately happier.

On the other hand, Tom was too busy choosing what clothes he should wear for a drink.

With women.

He had always dressed down and sometimes there were small spots of blood stains on his clothes.

It was a no on those for sure.

Tom removed a blue, smart shirt from his wardrobe, along with some nice black jeans.

It didn't have to be too formal, right?

Tom was baffled as he had swapped his jeans for the formal trousers over and over again, when finally, he chose them.

Then, he spent the last ten mintues of his time attempting to put on his tie.

"You're going out for a drink then?" Christopher asked on the other side of the phone, slightly surprised.

"Yes." Tom paused and frowned. "Is this wrong? To mix with normal people?"

"No Tom, it's normal to mix with normal people. And you'll get used to it." Smiling, Tom fiddled with his tie.

"Chris, how do you do this?"

"Do what, my friend?" Growling, Tom realised his hands from the tie.

"Tie a tie?"

"Well, from what I remember, you put one part over the other, then pull that part through and adjust. Helpful?" Tom lifted his eyebrows.

"That's like saying, here's how to throw. Get the ball and throw it." Christopher and Tom chuckled.

"Tom, have a good time." Tom placed the phone onto his ear, cancelling out loud speaker.

"I will, as soon as I figure out how to do this tie."

"Thomas, wait! How was last night?"


"Did you get her good?" Shaking his head, Tom stepped out his bedroom.

"I don't think it worked out. Besides, I can't just sleep with a woman every night. I need to settle in. I need to have a normal life with butterflies and unicorns." Tom mocked.

"It's not always that Thomas, believe me. But, have fun." Simpering, Tom walked down the stairs.

"Yeah..." And the time crawled towards him as Elena had knocked on his door. "She's here, bye Chris."

"Bye mate." Both ended their calls and Tom was still frustrated about his tie.

Opening the door, Tom smirked at Elena.


"Hi Mr Sex." Tom slid his arm down the door and fell to the floor, spluttering. "I'm kidding!" Elena giggled and Tom bowed his head.

"Yeah..." Scrunching his lips together, Tom exhaled. "Shall we get going?" Elena nodded and stopped Tom in his path. "What?"

"You're not leaving without doing that tie Mister." Tom gulped. "Here." Fiddling with the tie, within seconds Elena has it all done. "There."

"Thank you." He smiled and stepped out, pulling his door shut. And with that he was obligued to make some conversation. "How are we getting there?"

"Oh, I have a car. My job makes me drive to the craziest of places." Smiling, Elena unlocked her car. "Jump in."

Tom took his quite literally and jumped in, with extreme skill at that. "Whoa." Elena gasped. "Neat."

"Thank you." He bowed. "So... Elena...?"

"Well done for getting my name right." Laughing, she drove into the road, Tom, trying to push himself to talk.

It was the only way to interact.

"So, what do you do?"

"I'm a serial killer." She whispered, Tom's smile dropped. "You really take things literally, don't you?" Smirking, Elena taking a sharp right. "I'm a forensic psychologist."

"You work with criminals?"

"I dabble in that area, but sometimes go into crime scenes and help uncover certain details." Tom smiled smugly.

"I like the sound of that."

"What do you do?" Tom paused.

How could he word his job, in a secret way?

"I do security work." Atta boy.

"Interesting. So your work is pretty dangerous?" Tom turned his face and looking out the window.

"Pretty dangerous, yeah."


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