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ELENA PULLED ON a pair of plastic gloves and stepped towards the crime scene.

"From what we recall, victim is in his early thirties, quite tall and goes by the name of Thomas Hutchinson." The officer tipped Elena off, who analysed the shards of glass on the ground.

"This... is obviously a wine bottle, used as a weapon..." Elena's coat flung open, revealing her dress. Feeling embarrassed, Elena tied it shut.

"Nice dress for a crime scene." The man snickered.

"Hey, I don't normally get calls on a Sunday, Officer Rays." He smiled- as did Elena.

"Of course Detective Collins."

"When did this happen?"

"Well, we got a call back at base and they said it was something out of the ordinary." Immediately, the remark caused Elena to frown.

How could a crime scene been out of the ordinary?

"How do you mean?"

"Well... let's say that... it was if this killer had known the person. But, the blood on the scene, it... well, says-"

"-The killer thought that this person was the victim. So, they left him out to bleed to death instead, thinking they may have hope." Elena chuckled. "Officer Rays, I believe we are dealing with our rare sympathetic murderer."

Both smiled smugly.

"I believe it to be."

Officer Sam Rays- tall, and quite defensive.

Both Sam and Elena have been working together for approximately two years- not to say they had both grown close- but, both concluded they should stay in a professional relationship.

It would be too dangerous.

Although, hanging around with a ex-spy wouldn't do Elena any good either.

"Sam-" Elena gasped. "O-officer Rays..." She cleared her throat. "Would you mind bringing me some photographs of this crime?" Sam simpered.

"Of course." Sam stepped back. "Feel free to spend longer here and give feedback. Oh, and I have a message from the prison service- John has his talk with you tomorrow, make sure you don't miss it."

"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks. I... can do my job, like you."

"Goodnight Detective Collins."

"Goodnight Officer Rays." Elena greeted back and bit her bottom lip.

Crouching down, Elena fiddled with some evidence inside bags and blood stains kept around the room.

What was outstanding and a bit thrilling- the killer was out there.

And is searching for a man who was similar to a victim.

Of course, Elena had nothing at all to worry about.

The victim was male and she, was obviously not.

However, creeping in the shadows, watching Elena- was Tom.

He had been discreet in following Elena however, the crime scene was more significant to him.

"Christopher?" Tom whispered, waiting for a voice to speak on the other side.

"Thomas, it's late... what's wrong?"

"I knew that 'retiring' this job did nothing." Tom rashly spoke.

"How do you mean my friend?" Taking a deep exhale, Tom turned towards the crime scene.

"I think Yuri's leader hasn't been brought to justice..."

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