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TOM LAY IN Elena's bed, the sheets half covering his naked body as he snored away. 

Elena quietly pressed her feet onto her bedroom floorboards and reached for her black bra that trailed onto the floor. She slipped it on, while focusing on the time. 

Caressing his finger around her back, Tom leaned forward and smirked. 

"Where you off to?" Elena smiled slightly and simpered, hooking her bra on. 

"I'm off to work..." Reaching for her jeans, Elena put those on too. Tom folded his arms and sat up, frowning. 

"Hold on..." Elena turned around, pulling her hair down her right shoulder. 

"What?" She said, tilting her head. 

"Am I sleeping with another goddamn prostitute?" Gasping, Elena grabbed her pillow and wacked Tom with it, who chuckled. 


"Joke, joke!" Tom squeaked. Elena then threw the pillow back where it was, standing up. 

"You do know that I carry a gun with me bigshot." She said, reaching down for her shirt and pulling it over her head. 

"Right back at ya." Tom responded, placing his hands behind his head with a smile. 

"Oh, he finally smiles." Elena says sarcastically and Tom crawled forward, leaning on his stomach and dangling his legs playfully. 

"Look, I... really am sorry." 

"I forgive you." She smiled. 

"Sleeping with you, well, wasn't a way to get you to forgive me. You know that, right." Tom bowed his head and Elena falls to her knees. 

"Listen, it's fine." 

"I..." Tom took a deep breath. "... love you E-Elena." Elena pecked him on his lips. 

"Aw, has the security guard never loved a girl before?" Looking away for a moment, Tom hovered his eyes over the room. 

"Well..." He faced Elena again and placed his hand onto her cheek. "... we can have some practice." Smacking his lips onto Elena's, Tom pulled Elena into bed and jumped on top of her, trailing kisses down her neck. 

"T-Tom..." Elena moaned. "Tom, I'm..." She said, panting. "... going to be... late..." Wrapped her arms around Tom, Elena positioned herself and as did Tom. But before their love caught fire- the bell rang and both Tom and Elena stopped. 

"Fuck, who is that!" Tom yelled. 

"It's... Sam..." Elena whispered. "Shit, I'm sorry, I was supposed to tell you." 

"Tell me what?" 

"Well, tell you that he was... picking me up for work... I'm such a dumb bastard." 

"Nope, try again." Tom said, smiling. Elena stood to her feet and threw her coat over her arm. 

"Look, I'm sorry." She confessed, biting her lip.

"It's fine..." Tom lay back and exhaled. 

Elena licked her lips and chucked a purple robe at Tom and he shrieked. "Whoa! I was trying to sleep..." 

"Well, get up Mr Sex." Elena smiled, smugly.

Her giggling echoed through the house as Tom got up and threw on her dressing gown. He looked at the colour and shrugged, delicately stepping out of her room and to the stairs. 

"Hey Elena." 

"Hey Sam, sorry, busy night." A creak slithered its way towards Elena and Sam, Tom cringing. 

"Is, someone else here?" Sam frowned. Clearing her throat, Elena pushed Sam out of the house.

"N-nope, come on!" The door slammed and Tom let out a sigh of relief, peaking his head downstairs. 

And yes, he raided Elena's fridge, before grabbing hold of a taxi. 

"Are you kidding me?" Elena asked, stepping out of the car with Sam. 

"Yeah, I know. Busy day for us at the station." 

"And you wanted me, why?" She asked, Sam locking his car. 

"We're... baffled?" Sam questioned the words that came out of his mouth. 

"Really?" He sighed and whispered. 

"To be truthful, I don't trust that Tom guy." Elena's eyes widened- come on, she just slept with him. 

"Well, I do." She said, firmly. Sam nodded his head as they walked into the lift. 

"Well then, I trust him too." He smiled at Elena, who buttoned the top of her trench coat. 

The lift then pinged and Elena pondered on what Sam and her talked about in the car- and she was a tiny bit nervous- for the first time. 

Her eyes had then laid on Tom, who stood by her desk with a smile. 

"Hey." He said and tucked his hands into her pockets. "You look as white as a sheet, you okay?" Tom asked and for a minute, frowned- he had never asked a woman this. 

He knew he was finally getting that normal life. 

Elena glimpsed at Sam, before looking back at the man she just slept with and took a heavy inhale. 

"There's been another murder..."

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