Chapter 5

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“Yuri let me hide behind you!” Taeyeon shouted after she saw the sight of a guy walking by. They were in the cafeteria eating lunch on their second day of moving in.

“Omo. Don’t tell me he followed you all the way here.” Yuri wondered as she saw the guy Taeyeon was hiding from.

“Ya, Kim Tae Yeon. Is that really you?” The guy saw Taeyeon and quickly walked over to their table.

Great. He caught me. Aish. Taeyeon thought as she forced out a fake smile. “Junsu. It’s you. What are you doing here?” She questioned.

“Same thing you are. I’m going to be going to school here. Are you excited? Because I am!” Junsu excited replied.

“Yeah, I’m really excited.” Taeyeon said sarcastically. I would be more excited if you weren’t here, she thought.

“Oh, hey Yuri! How are you?” Junsu asked again very excited. Finally, there is someone that’s as hyper as Tiffany.

“I’m fine, thank you.” Yuri replied with a smile.

“Ya Taeyeon, since school hasn’t started we should go out sometimes. I know a lot of cool places in Seoul.” Junsu suggested.

“Go out? Uh…yeah…sure…whenever.” Taeyeon expressed sarcastically

“Great! I’m free tonight. Let’s go out! I’ll wait for you at the school gate at 7, ok? Well, I’ll see you then! Bye bye!” Junsu coerced then quickly walked away without giving Taeyeon a chance to reject.

“Aish! What’s wrong with him?” Taeyeon whinned and stumbled her feet as he walks away.

“So are you going?” Yuri asked.

“Let’s not worry about it till later.” She sigh as she thought Why me? Why does he have to like me out of all the girls in the world?

After they finished eating, Taeyeon and Yuri went back to their room.


The hyperactive Tiffany was in her room with Jessica. Still prefer to stay inside, Jessica was lying on her bed reading her book in their cool air-conditioned room. It was now 5 PM.

“Jessica…Sica ahh.” Tiffany whines.

“What? What do you want?” Jessica groaned.

“Can we go out today? And have some fun? Please?” Tiffany nags as she grabs a hold on Jessica’s arm.

“Ya. Can’t you see I’m reading a book here? Don’t disturb me.” Jessica scolded though her eyes are still on the book without even a glance at Tiffany.

“Sica ahh. Jessica ‘unnie’ Sica jjang.” She whines as she shook Jessica’s right arm…the one that’s holding on to the book, causing the book to swing back and forth in front of Jessica’s face.

“Ya, stop it. I can’t read.” Jessica yelled as she tries to remove her arm out of Tiffany’s tight grip.

“Jessica ahhh. Please? Pretty please? I will love you forever and ever and ever!” Tiffany kept begging and nagging and whining as she shakes Jessica’s arm again. This time she added a pout on her face and a pair of puppy eyes that kept blinking towards Jessica.

“Aish. Fine. Fine.” And just as Tiffany’s face brightens, Jessica added, “Once you finish unpacking your two suitcases.” Causing Tiffany’s face to frown.

“How about one?”

“Nope.” Jessica shook her head. “Either you unpack both or we both stay here today.”

“Fine.” And with that Tiffany let go of Jessica’s arm and began to unpack her two gigantic pink suitcases.

Jessica sighs as she began to continue reading. You’re so easy to trick Tiffany. You won’t be able to finish unpacking till late night even if you try. Jessica thought and smiled to herself. But how wrong could she be?

The hyperactive Tiffany was too desperate for some fun that she worked like a bunny on caffeine. Within only two hours Tiffany has finished unpacking all of her things and placed them on specific shelves and locations. There were all of her electronics, random pink stuffed animals, piles of magazines and posters that has Dennis O’ on them, pink pencil case, pink flute in a pink case (the one we gave her), pink camera, plus many other pink things.

And just as Jessica was about to finish reading her book and lie back down on her bed, Tiffany quickly rushed over to Jessica. “Jessica! Look! I finished unpacking! Yay! Let’s go!” Tiffany excitedly showed Jessica who looked shock.

Oh no. I underestimated her. Jessica thought feeling like hitting herself in the head. “Fine.” Jessica grumbled as she stood up and grabbed her phone. “Well, are we gonna go or not?”

“Of course we are!”


“Yuri ah, go with me. I don’t want to go with him by myself.” Taeyeon plead.

“Ok, I’ll go with you.” Yuri happily replied since she knows how much Junsu bothers her.

And so they both walked out of their room and headed towards the stairs. Just before they pass by Tiffany’s and Jessica’s room, their door opens causing Taeyeon and Yuri to halt. At this time Taeyeon saw Tiffany jumped out of and thus an idea came to her mind.

“Tiffany. Jessica. Would you guys want to go out with us tonight?” Taeyeon asked with a plan in her mind.

“Where are you guys going?” Tiffany asked.

“We actually don’t know. A friend of us is taking us out and we’re wondering if you’d like to join us.” Taeyeon replied.

Seeing Taeyeon’s odd behavior, Yuri pulled Taeyeon a step back and whispered, “Ya, what are you up to?”

“With Tiffany hyperactive personality just like Junsu I’m sure they’ll get along and then Junsu wouldn’t want to hang out with me anymore.” Taeyeon whispered back.

“I’m fine with that, what about you Jessica?” Tiffany turned towards Jessica.

“Yeah, sure. I don’t care.” Jessica replied without any emotions, still bothered by the fact that she could be sleeping in her room now.

“Great. Then let’s go, Junsu’s waiting for us.” Taeyeon said as they headed for the school gate.

It took them about another two minutes before they all got to the gate where Taeyeon can see Junsu waiting.

“Taeyeon!” Junsu excited shouted when he saw her…with a few other girls.

“Hey Junsu! I invited a few friends with us, is that fine with you?”

“Um…yeah…It’s…fine.” Junsu said.

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