Chapter 10

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The fun ended when school officially starts. Since all the freshmen will be taking the same 5 subjects, classes are divided by the stories of the dorm. So those students living on the same story will be having those 5 classes at the same time together. Those subjects include Science, Math, History, English, and Tiffany’s worst nightmare, Hangul. Also everyone was required to participate in a sport that they might like.

“Jessica! Jessica, wake up! If you want to eat breakfast you need to wake up now! There is only 30 minutes left before class starts!” Tiffany yells as she shakes Jessica’s body back and forth.

“How about you go buy me food while I stay in bed for another 20 minutes?” Jessica nags, still with her eyes shut.

“No way! Ya! Wake up already! If you don’t I’m going to give you a body slam like on WWE! Ya!” Tiffany yelled again still shaking Jessica’s body.

“Ok. Ok. I’ll wake up…in 5 minutes.”

“No! You’re going to wake up now!” Tiffany screamed again and dragged Jessica off her bed, making her body hit the ground. Still, Tiffany didn’t bother and dragged her in the bathroom. “Wash up!”

“Jessica hasn’t woken up yet?” Yuri said as she peaked into the bathroom. After she saw Jessica lying on the ground, she found the answer. “Need some help?” Yuri asked. After Tiffany had nodded, Yuri came back to her room to get something then brought it back in the bathroom. The thing that Yuri came back with was nothing else but her breakfast. She kneeled down to Jessica’s level then ate her breakfast in front of her Jessica’s eyes with a smile on her face.

“Ya! How dare you eat in front of me?!” Jessica yelled.

“I guess she’s up now. I’ll go back to my room and get ready. I’ll see you guys in class later.” Yuri said then walks back to her room.

“Ya, Jessica. Hurry up and get ready.” Tiffany commanded.


After Jessica got ready, they only had 20 minutes left before school officially begins though it’s not another 10 minutes till students need to be in class. After they grab a quick bite for breakfast, Tiffany and Jessica rushed to their class. When they came in, they saw Taeyeon and Yuri sitting in the right corner, and it seems like they’ve saved Tiffany and Jessica both a spot. Tiffany and Jessica quickly get seated when the class bell rang. Tiffany’s behind Taeyeon and Jessica’s behind Yuri. It is now math class.

“That was so close! It’s all your fault Jessica.” Tiffany stated though quietly, not wanting to disturb.

“I’m sorry, I’ll try to wake up earlier tomorrow.” Jessica replied softly.

“Try? You WILL wake up earlier tomorrow.” Tiffany emphasized.

“Good morning class.” The teacher greeted the class.

“Good morning teacher.” The students replied.

“How is your first day so far in college? Well since today is just the first day, I will let you all have 30 minutes to chat at the end of class. But as of right now, I will go over the classroom rules and what materials are needed in this class.” The teacher announced and begins his lecture.

After the teacher finished there was still 30 minutes left and the teacher did as he promised and let them chat.

“I hope there won’t be homework from any other class.” Tiffany said hopefully.

“Yeah, I hope so too.” Yuri added. “Hey, have you guys chosen what sport you will participate in?”

“Tennis!” Both Tiffany and Jessica replied at the same time. But they didn’t seem surprised that the other said the same thing that they did.

“Wow, did you guys plan that?” Yuri joked.

“Well, back in the States, Jessica and I were double partners for our middle school tennis team. Although she left, I still continue to play tennis in high school. So I’m definitely going to continue playing tennis.” Tiffany answered then turns to Jessica, “Oh yeah, Yuri. There is another thing that Jessica likes to do besides sleeping and eating…and that’s tennis! But only at times since she still prefers to sleep and eat over tennis.” She joked.

“Really. Yuri and I were doubles partner in high school. Yuri, do you want to play tennis again?” Taeyeon jump in finally. She’s been sitting at her desk pretty dazed out.

“Since you three are going to, I can’t be left out. I’ll join tennis too!” Yuri agrees.

“Taeyeon ah, you look troubled. Are you ok?” Tiffany asked.

“Huh? I look troubled? I’m fine Fany ah.” Taeyeon replied then forced out a smile to cover her troubled mood.

“Taeyeon ah?”

“Fany ah?”

“When did you two become so close?” Yuri asked as she looks back and forth between Taeyeon and Tiffany.

“Why are you so surprised? It’s not like we were enemies or anything.” Taeyeon said creating a suspicious look on Yuri’s face.

“Well, anyways. I’m glad you guys are friends now.” Yuri smiled then she looked over at Jessica who was falling asleep on her desk. No wonder I stopped hearing her voice. I wonder when she fell asleep. Yuri thought. “Look guys.” She pointed over to the sleeping beauty, Jessica.

A little bit later, the bell rang and everyone gets up and walks towards their next class. Tiffany noticed that Taeyeon still looks troubled though she said everything is fine. She knows something’s troubling her but doesn’t know what it is.

While they’re walking to their next class, Taeyeon’s new phone vibrated and so she took and out. She got a new text message. But who else knows her new number besides Tiffany. Taeyeon read the message to herself, “Ya, Taeyeon. Why aren’t you telling me what’s wrong? You suck so badly at lying. If you want to make me believe that everything’s fine then don’t carry such a long face. Tiffany.” The simple message took Taeyeon about 2 to 3 minutes to understand since some words were misspelled and some grammars were out of place. Taeyeon shook her head at Tiffany’s poor Hangul. Then she texted Tiffany back with the message “I’ll tell you later. And YOU, you suck so badly at Hangul! XP. Taeyeon.”

“Ya, Taeyeon. When did you get a new phone? How come I didn’t know about it?” Yuri asked surprisingly when she saw Taeyeon’s phone.

“Oh…this? Tiffany bought it for me.” Taeyeon replied with a bit of arrogance on her face.

“Oooh…” Yuri said then added “No wonder you two are so close now.”

“What? You make it sounds like I’m such a shallow person.” Taeyeon said.

“I knew it! It was that box that you brought back that morning, wasn’t it?” Jessica claims. And all Tiffany did was smiles back.

“Wait. You’re going to use her phone and not Junsu’s phone? What are you going to do about him?” Yuri asked.

Suddenly, Taeyeon’s mood dropped again. “I don’t know.” Taeyeon sighed.

After reading the text message that Taeyeon had sent her, Tiffany giggled a little. Then she noticed that Taeyeon’s mood drop when Yuri mentioned Junsu and so she knew that Junsu has something to do with Taeyeon’s troubled mood.

While they were walking towards their class, Junsu was watching Taeyeon from far away.

“It’s her again.” He mumbled to himself. “Always interrupts me and Taeyeon.”

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